Wednesday, April 30, 2014

We All Have Cancer (NaPoMo 30/30)

We All Have Cancer

I have cancer. My brother has cancer. We all have cancer...
We are all terminal--but for some of us, that reality looms more ominously

What would you do if you knew that this day would be your last?
I am not talking about some vague "within 3 months" window. I mean TO-DAY

  • Would you start writing a book? The Great American Novel?
  • Would you smoke pot for the first time, because, why not?
  • Start a fight? Settle a score? 
  • Train for that marathon you've been wanting to run?
  • Would you look at an old photo album and recall glory days gone by?
  • Call up an old friend and renew old ties? 
  • Make some tea?


  • Would you review and catalog your memories in a desperate highlight reel?
  • Would you gather and distribute your treasures in an attempt to be remembered?
  • Would the tone of your last poem be wistful? Hopeful? Fearful? Resigned? All of the above?
  • If you wouldn't start reading a new book or sit in a multiplex on your last day, why not?
  • Would you rush to the office to finish up all those projects? Or maybe just one project?

Here's an idea: Grab a seat near the fountain at the Sunset Plaza Mall and just watch and listen as people scurry by, eventually slumping over and sliding into the water, the water... 

  • On second thought
  • Noooo....

Such things as we know we would not do on our last day--why do we do them at all? Have we so many days to spare that we can afford to waste a few? How do we know this?

Let's grab a bottle of wine and a blanket, right now, and maybe a candle, and a couple of our finest glasses. We'll go to Gravelly Point and watch the planes take off and land, as they always do.

Until the sun sinks behind the horizon, as it always does.

And we shall have, for at least that brief moment, truly lived!

Monday, April 28, 2014

A Haiku about Getting out of Bed (NaPoMo 28/30)

Remember, the Haiku is a very formal writing structure.

  • There must be 5 syllables in the first and third lines, and seven in the second. 
  • There should be a reference to nature or the seasons, and 
  • There should be some form of juxtaposition.

Nailed it! 

via RW & The Poke

Sunday, April 27, 2014

What do I know about love? (NaPoMo 27/30)

What Do I Know About Love?

What do I know about love?
     And how do I know what I think I know?


I learned from my parents
     that there is no love like a mother's love

I learned from my hormone-addled teen-aged mind
     that sex is powerful--but sex and love are not the same

I learned from the misery of my many failed attempts
     that unlike respect, love is given and cannot be earned

I learned from one who loved me unconditionally
     that hearts are not toys

I learned from one who got away
     that to be loved in return would be the greatest thing


I learned from one who satisfied all of my criteria  
    that love begins in the heart, not the head, 

in that order: heart, head, and hands--values first
    or it will not last


I learned from being alone in the desert that I am OK.
     I will always be at least OK but I am happier in love's oasis

I learned from one who discovered me on the desert's edge and nurtured me
     that love can heal a broken heart, restore faith, and instill harmony


If our outward appearances reflected the true quality of our character 
     my love sensei would be Miss Universe and none fairer than she

shining brighter than love's purest light
    and I would appear as a Big Fat Stupid Loser, hiding in the corner

But basking in my love's healing rays I am not a broken or irredeemable person
    rather, perhaps, just someone who 

still has a lot to learn 
     about love

Iron Butt Association

Looking good!  

My I.B.A. buddy Ed gifted me his spare license plate frame. Meanwhile, the other member of our fearless 3-some, Fix, chided me for still not getting my paperwork turned in!

The man has a point....
Meanwhile, here are links to the backstory on our 1,000 mile ride in under 24 hours to
  • raise money for Y-Me, 
  • raise awareness of Wounded Warriors, 
  • commemorate fallen comrades, 
  • visit Green Knights, HOGs, and Y-Me counselors near Fortress Bragg, and 
  • earn admission to the Iron Butt Association! 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Love is Inverted Fear (NaPoMo 26/30)

Hearts and Fangs

I see Love in the shape of a Heart
the manifestation of caring
and Fear looking like Fangs
shining from snarling mouth
Love and Fear
Tenderness and Survival
Peace and Panic
Yin & Yang

Eternal tension between equal opposites 
swirling in harmonious balance
one without the other meaningless
both required in equal measure

Love or Fear?
Love and Fear.

Everything is either Love
or a plea for Love

Friday, April 25, 2014

How wonderful life is with you in my world (NaPoMo 25/30)

"Your Song"
by Sir Elton John

It's a little bit funny this feeling inside
I'm not one of those who can easily hide
I don't have much money but boy if I did
I'd buy a big house where we both could live

If I was a sculptor, but then again, no
Or a man who makes potions in a travelling show
I know it's not much but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song and this one's for you

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I sat on the roof and kicked off the moss
Well a few of the verses well they've got me quite cross
But the sun's been quite kind while I wrote this song
It's for people like you that keep it turned on

So excuse me forgetting but these things I do
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue
Anyway the thing is what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen

And you can tell everybody this is your song
It may be quite simple but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world

Thursday, April 24, 2014

50 Reasons Not To Date A Poet | Betty Generic (NaPoMo 24/30)

A post from poet Betty Generic dated June 2013 came to my attention recently when poet Suzi Q shared it via Facebook, and I just had to rebroadcast it here on PhilosFX during #NaPoMo

50 Reasons Not To Date A Poet

by Betty Generic

Selected excerpts

4. They have deep conversations with animals, clouds, and Grecian Urns.

5. Excessive use of  “Poetry Hands.”

26. It takes a least a week to a year for them to form their opinion about something, and that opinion is subject to change.

40. They crave plot twists.

All 50 reasons are HERE. Do you have any favorites today? Share in comments!

Please take a moment and support a budding poet by visiting Betty's Word Press blog, In addition to this post, I also enjoyed her "Bedroom window" haiku series. Her "About" page is particularly intriguing....

Go! Listen, Speak, and Celebrate the spoken word! 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

In Honor of William Shakespeare's 450th Birthday (NaPoMo 23/30)

William Shakespeare's influence on English culture is still strongly felt today,
in plays we see, words we use daily, and even in witty insults we might fling 


The Shakespeare Theatre Company performs 6 plays per season at the Harman Center for the Arts

The Folger Theater houses the Folger Shakespeare Library and hosts several performances each year.

The Synetic Theater presents its well-regarded Silent Shakespeare Series


- "For goodness sake" - Henry VIII
- "Neither here not there" - Othello
- "Mum's the word" - Henry VI, Part II
- "Eaten out of house and home" - Henry IV, Part II
- "Rant" - Hamlet
- "Knock knock! Who's there?" - Macbeth
- "All's well that ends well" - All's Well That Ends Well
- "With bated breath" - The Merchant of Venice
- "A wild goose chase" - Romeo and Juliet
- "Assassination" - Macbeth
- "Too much of a good thing" - As You Like It
- "A heart of gold" - Henry V
- "Such stuff as dreams are made on" - The Tempest
- "Fashionable" - Troilus and Cressida
- "What the dickens" - The Merry Wives of Windsor
- "Puking" - As You Like It
- "Lie low" - Much Ado About Nothing
- "Dead as a doornail" - Henry VI, Part II
- "Not slept one wink" - Cymbeline
- "Foregone conclusion" - Othello
- "The world's mine oyster" - The Merry Wives of Windsor
- "Obscene" - Love's Labour's Lost
- "Bedazzled" - The Taming of the Shrew
- "In stitches" - Twelfth Night
- "Addiction" - Othello
- "Naked truth" - Love's Labour's Lost
- "Faint-hearted" - Henry VI, Part I
- "Send him packing" - Henry IV
- "Vanish into thin air" - Othello
- "Swagger" - Henry V
- "Own flesh and blood" - Hamlet
- "Truth will out" - The Merchant of Venice
- "Zany" - Love's Labour's Lost
- "Give the devil his due" - Henry IV, Part I
- "There's method in my madness" - Hamlet
- "Salad days" - Antony and Cleopatra
- "Wear your heart on your sleeve" - Othello
- "Spotless reputation" - Richard II
- "Full circle" - King Lear
- "There's the rub" - Hamlet
- "All of a sudden" - The Taming of the Shrew
- "Come what, come may" - Macbeth


A tribute to Shakespeare's dagger-like wit, featuring 100 of his greatest zingers. This odyssey of verbal swordplay includes classics like, "I was seeking for a fool when I found you", and "More of your conversation would infect my brain."

18x24 Poster for $27 available HERE

Happy birthday to the Bard of Avon, and Happy National Poetry Month to us all! 

Willy Shakes, b. ~23 April 1564, d. 23 April 1616 at age 52

Words matter!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Allan "World Rider" Karl: 3 Years, 5 Continents, 35 Countries, 1 Rugged Motorcycle, and 263 Beautiful Pages

I have participated in a couple of Kickstarter / Start Some Good / Angel Investing / Indiegogo ventures and by and large, I have been very pleased. Today, the bar has been completely re-set. I am writing to tell the WORLD about the best Crowd Funding opportunity I have ever been a part of, in terms of

  • how excited I am to see the results
  • the degree of participation I feel in the outcome
  • the quality of the finished product

The concept is brilliant, the execution is gorgeous, and all the extras that come with the Kickstarter edition are endearing. Buy this book! I want to be a World Rider like Allan Karl!

The Kickstarter edition comes with 6 beautiful post cards

Cover of the Kickstarter edition: Culture, Cuisine, and Connections

Kickstarter edition comes with a personalized bookmark.

My copy of Forks is inscribed by the author, Allan Karl.
On display to the left: a World Rider sticker and a post card of the book's cover,

Culture, Cuisine, and Connections

More information

35 Countries

  • North America: United States, Canada
  • Central America: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama 
  • South America: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Paraguay
  • Africa: South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan
  • Middle East: Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Syria
  • Europe / Asia: Turkey

FORKS: One Man's Quest for Culture, Cuisine, and Connections

Look what arrived in the mail today #FORKS by @WorldRider. Three years, 35 countries, and one motorcycle. What a great story! Thanks for the inspiration, Allan Karl! 

Missing the Point

I like these snarky som(ee)cards as much as the next fellow. To be certain, some are a good deal funnier than others. A few are down right odd. By and large, the modus operandi is absurdity wrapped in irony laced with a heavy dose of sacrasm. And I get that.

But I am not a fan of today's Earth Day joke. I am writing to register my extreme indignation. Earth Day is about us, the inhabitants of Earth, showing a little appreciation for our habitat. It's not about what we can get for ourselves. It's about our attitude of gratitude for what we already have.

The author of this joke implies that recycling is futile. How many cans must one recycle to pay for even ONE gallon of gas at $4/gallon? Meh, why bother recycling at all? hahaha

This is Missing the Point by a c-o-u-n-t-r-y  m-i-l-e.

People do save nickles but personal gain is not the sole reason for recycling. I reduce my consumption, reuse things that still have utility, and recycle things I no longer need. I encourage my children and my friends and neighbors to do the same. These activities do not make money, per se, but they do slow my consumption a bit, and they increase my mindfulness a bit, and they make me just a bit more respectful of Mother Earth. 

In my community, sorting recycled metal, glass, and paper material is a wonderful jobs program for some folks who need gainful employment. So not only do I not make a nickle per can, but I actually pay a bit to have someone else collect and sort the items I set out by the curb. And that is a very good thing.

One can count the nickles from recycled cans. I have no problem with that, and the nickles do add up. But: 
  • How about using fewer cans and bottles in the first place? Refillable canteens are great!
  • How about burning less carbon-based fuel? Public transport, bike share, walking!
  • How about focusing our snark on wasteful and truly futile behaviors? (Name your own faves.)
  • How about encouraging more folks to live lightly and love deeply, especially on Earth Day.  

My $0.02


Earth Day (NaPoMo 22/30)

Today is Earth Day, a day to lift up God's Creation, for
"In God's hand is the life of every living thing…" (Job 12:10).

Earth Day
Live Light
Love Deep

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Tao of Deve (NaPoMo 21/30)

Part of the cover art for my forthcoming book, The Tao of Deve

The Tao of Deve might involve a playful mispronunciation of my nickname, Dave
It might include a wry reference to the movie The Tao of Steve (2000)
--as in, the art of seduction a la Steve McQueen
When all's said and done, it just might be a personal philosophical treatise.

And then again The Tao of Deve might be a bit of all of the above.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Budding Young Poet (NaPoMo 20/30)

Angelina is jealous

Duck lips

Monogrammed poetry journal

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Talon-Pierced Carp (NaPoMo 19/30)

Carp lands near the path
Too heavy for hungry hawk
'Coon thanks "lucky stars."

Friday, April 18, 2014

Rock Me Gently (NaPoMo 18/30)

Neil Diamond

For some reason, I woke up this morning singing the words to a song from my younger days. When I write the lyric for you, readers of a certain age may instantly recognize the song, and possibly even begin singing along with a voice in your head.

Rock Me Gently Lyrics
(Words and Music by Andy Kim)
Ain't it good
Ain't it right
That you are with me here tonight
The music playing
Our bodies swayin' in time
In time, in time, in time
Touching you so warm and tender
Lord, I feel such a sweet surrender
Beautiful is the dream that makes you mine
Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before
Baby, baby
Rock me gently
Rock me slowly
Take it easy
Don't you know
That I have never been loved like this before
Oh my darling
Oh my baby
You got the moves that drive me crazy
And on your face I see a trace of love
Of love, of love, of love
Come hold me close
Don't let me go
I need you, honey
I love you so
You were made for me by the stars above
Now, the interesting thing is that I was convinced that this was a Neil Diamond song. However, the voice I emulated in the shower this morning was that of one Andy Kim. It was Neil's contemporary Andy Kim who took this song to #1 in 1974, when I was 13 years old.

40 years later, the lyrics and the music came back to me in a moment of poetic inspiration. Such is the power of art--and of love.

Full story and a decent music video are available here: Number One Songs -- Rock Me Gently

Not Neil Diamond, but Andrew Youakim, aka Andy Kim

'via Blog this'

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Condemned or Redeemed? (NaPoMo 17/30)

The Condemnation Redemption

You have already seen your last sunset
The deadline for pardon has passed
With each breath, one fewer remains

Can you suspend your awareness of time's relentless march?
Can you crawl inside a single passing second
And fully inhabit just that tiny slice as if it were all eternity?

Would the knowledge of your impending demise
Fill your soul with dread and despair
Or would you finally--perhaps for the first time--feel truly alive?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Conflicted (NaPoMo 16/30)

The aim of Life is Joy
We are not here to eat and make money
We make money and eat to enjoy life

What are the moments which define us?

What must it be like
to snap life's bones
and suck out the marrow?

Are we meant to love only one?

I think I am doing the right thing
but how can I be sure?
I have made so many mistakes.

What if I die too soon?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

This Mood Is Not Your Fault (NaPoMo 15/30)

This mood? It's not your fault...
Self-portrait, after an idea in Leonard Cohen's Book of Longing. Pencil on paper. Some editing in Picassa. Tax Day. The anniversary of the Boston Marathon Bombing. And it's ... snowing(?) again(!?) 

Monday, April 14, 2014

Of Lying Liars Laying in Layers (NaPoMo 14/30)

Of Lying Liars Laying in Layers  

Layer: one atop another
Layer: one who lays 
Lair: one's secret place for getting laid

A bricklayer lays
another layer of bricks

[Yes, yes, I know,
bricklayers "place" bricks in "courses."
"Bare" with me here.]

"Won't you step into my lair?"
Said the Spider to the little Fly 
"I've many curious things to show you there."

[Spidey lies to the Fly
 to lure her to his lair--to lay her?]

“Oh no, no,” said the little Fly, “to ask me is in vain,
For who ventures into your lair
is fixing to get lain.”

At this Con-junction 
Let us do some Conjugation
Regarding this potential Conjugal-ization

Lay: to place an object in a position of rest
Laid:: placed an object in a position of rest
Lain: to have placed an object in a position of rest

"You lay something down,
and people (or Spiders) lie down by themselves."

Lie: tell an untruth or withhold a truth
Lie: to put oneself in a position of rest
Liar: one who utters falsehoods to get laid

The moral of the story (now we're getting somewhere)
Beware liars lying to lure lovely lovers
to lie with them, and in their lairs, lay in layers.

With apologies to true poet Mary Howitt, and
kind regards to superlative grammarian Mignon Fogarty, and
a knowing nod to the alliance of alliterative linguists, and finally
a fond adieu to my once sterling professional reputation.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Write. Just Write. (NaPoMo 13/30)

The POEtic Principle
"There neither exists nor can exist any work more thoroughly dignified — more supremely noble than this very poem — this poem per se — this poem which is a poem and nothing more — this poem written solely for the poem's sake."

Edgar Allan Poe

Friday, April 11, 2014

Don't Close the Door (NaPoMo 11/30)

Don't Close the Door

Furry feet
Scamper swiftly
Dodging danger
Curious cats
Need all nine

Thursday, April 10, 2014

50 Miles of Haiku (NaPoMo 10/30)

It is amazing
what your body can reveal
about your mind's will.

--Rob Krupika

Today's NaPoMo inspiration comes from ultra-runner, poet, Democratic Virginia State Delegate, and all-around good guy Rob "Sounds Like Eureka" Krupika.

Rob ran a 50-mile Ultra Marathon in 2013. During his training for the event, he occupied his mind by composing haiku. Even during the event, he continued to observe the beauty and majesty of nature and of his place in it. He'd record his thoughts in a journal at waypoints along the 50-mile route.

The result? Completion of the Ultra, yes, but also a collection of 50 really interesting haiku--one representing each mile of the Ultra. The 50 Mile Art project now has a life of its own.

Rob's example inspired me to compose while running as a means of bringing body, mind, and spirit into a state of peaceful flow while moving through a potential flood of stimulation.  I distracted myself from worry and pain by thinking outside of my brain. During this month I will publish a few of my own poems composed while training for my first regular old marathon.

Moreover, Rob's poetry has inspired some beautiful art. Rob created colorful tiles, each containing one of the haiku from his collection. All the tiles together form a beautiful installation. Rob's installation piece was featured at Alexandria First Night celebration.

Rob explains his technique as he puts the finishing touches on a haiku tile

Individual tiles each contain a shoe print and a poem. All the tiles together male a shoe print.

A pair of tiles from the installation

April Ultra Running Magazine features some of Rob's writings and haiku from last year's ultra marathon.

Haiku Master Rob, today's #NaPoMo inspiration.

For more of Delegate Krupika's story of art and poetry, visit his 50 Miles Art site HERE

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Versions of Vision (NaPoMo 9/30)

Today's #NaPoMo inspiration comes from one of my favorite poet philosophers, singer-songwriter Van Morrison. While listening to his album, Hymns to the Silence some years ago, I found myself entranced by his rendition of the old Irish hymn, Be Thou My Vision. I played it for my daughters and all of my friends. Later,  for the first time in nearly 50 years as a church-goer, I ran across a slightly different version of the lyrics in a Presbyterian Hymnal.

I have since seen this ancient tune garner increasing amounts of well-deserved air-time. Perhaps you are already familiar with it? If so, you may well appreciate why my Last Will and Testament includes a request to have this song played at my final farewell.

Yes, this song is THAT amazing--at least to the soul of this old soldier. Have a look at the lyrics for yourself, and see if you are not similarly moved.

Be Thou My Vision

Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart,
Naught be all else to me, save that thou art;
Thou my best thought in the day or the night,
Waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.

Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word,
Thou ever with me, and I with thee Lord;
Thou my great Father, and I thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with thee one.

Be thou my breastplate, my sword for the fight;
Be my whole armour, and be my true might;
Thou my soul's shelter, be thou my strong tower:
O raise thou me heavenward, great Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise:
Thou mine inheritance now and always;
Thou and thou only the first in my heart;
Sovereign of Heaven, my treasure thou art.

High King of Heaven, when victory is won
Grant heaven's joys to me Heaven's bright sun,
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

Websites packed with information about this ancient Irish hymn


Various recordings as mentioned in Wikipedia on this date

A few selected versions from the many available on YouTube as of this date
Enjoy a video of this powerful and poetically moving song--and consider singing along!