A Very Brief Biography

For those of you who are curious about my background, particularly as it relates to my current motives and personal perspectives, I offer the following very brief biography:
  • Born and raised in the American Mid-west, I enjoyed a fairly typical white, Protestant, middle class upbringing. Growing up, I loved football, muscle cars, and riding my bicycle. I dreamed of doing something important with my life.
  • In the late 1970s, I accepted an Army ROTC scholarship and began my studies in architecture at Notre Dame. I planned to make the world a better place through improving the built environment--just as soon as I finished my 4-year hitch in the Army Corps of Engineers. Instead, I wound up serving 7 times my active duty obligation--at total of 28 years in the Army. During my career, I earned credit for lucky number 7 overseas deployments (Turkey, Korea (twice), Germany (twice), Albania and Kosovo, and Iraq). 
  • After earning a Masters degree in Systems Management, I switched military career fields, became an operations research analyst (ORSA). I served 14 years total as an ORSA. My last 12 years on active duty were in the Pentagon--with a couple of "excursions" including the Navy Annex, Crystal City, and an all-expenses paid trip to Baghdad. 
  • I went through a rough patch--I now call it my Wilderness Experience--in which I endured significant challenges in my personal life. Not to tempt fate or anything, but at this point I consider myself "tempered." If nothing else, I am much more empathetic with people who are suffering physical, emotional, or financial hardships.
  • Now over 50 years old (and by the grace of God, still counting). I feel like I have a good understanding of human nature. I'd like to think I have a good understanding of the US Constitution and the Executive Branch of our government. I think I know something about what makes America special, and how we ought to behave as a people and a Nation in the world. 
So that's me, in a nutshell. By my account, I am in the middle of a great life.

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