
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Your Purpose: Good Things Come to Those Who Hustle and Grind

This Venn diagram has captured my imagination today. Does it speak to you? Look closer. Does its message apply equally to all people? Or might some people be inspired, while others feel even more marginalized than before? 

I feel I am living in that sweet spot at the center of passion, mission, vocation, and profession. Yet I am mindful of how very fortunate I am to even be able to claim this! A great many people live in despair. And there are many others who are equally able to fulfill their purpose, but whose values are at odds with mine. 

This drawing feeds my Venn diagram fetish, but it leaves me feeling somewhat concerned at what is not shown: Values. Not everyone is both willing and able. Not everyone who is both willing and able is pointed in the right direction. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Awestruck Wonder

Oh God, pardon our attempts to reduce You, 
And coax us into awestruck wonder.

by the Still Speaking Writers' Group

Saturday, March 14, 2015

A Pi Day for the Ages

Mark your calendars and set your alarms for Saturday, March 14, 2015, at 9:26.53 a.m.

Or, in another means of expression,

3/14/15 @ 9:26:53

This, of course, for those of you who do not already have your calendars marked, represents the first ten digits of the mystical ratio known for ages by the Greek letter, pi 

Here at PhilosFX, we have a tradition of celebrating Pi Day in numbers. Here is a look at Numbers of Note on Pi (3.14) Day, 2015

I do not know if my "blogological" musings are helping or hindering anyone else, but this I do know: 

My blogging may not change the world, but 
Blogging changes me, and then 
I change the world.

Keep on bloggin'!

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, which is also celebrated as Pi Day,
honoring the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter,
otherwise known as the  mathematical constant π. Credit:

R. Crumb is considered by many to be the
single best cartoonist America has ever produced.

Previous posts on this Pi Day Par-tay theme:

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Day of the Dude

Today. March 6th, is the day we celebrate The Day of the Dude, for it was on this date in 1998 that one of the best movies of all time (and one of the 5 best Coen brothers movies) was released. I refer, of course, to The Big Lebowski.

Perhaps you will celebrate in one of the following ways (as suggested in The Dudespaper):
  1. Get together with like-minded Dudeists, drink white Russians, watch the sacred film, and go bowling.
  2. Spend it alone in your private residence by taking a bath with candles and tapes of whale sounds.
  3. Go to the beach (or the river, or the lake, or the swimming pool) with some pals and symbolically scatter the ashes of the previous year (suggestion: the ash from some naturally-occurring herbal substance will do).
  4. Get dressed up in your robes, shorts, sunglasses and sandals and pass out the Take it Easy Manifesto at your local shopping mall. 
  5. Organize a full-on Jackie-Treehorn style garden party.
  6. Set up a stand in a public area and ordain people into the Church of the Latter-Day Dude. Yes! If you’re ordained as a Dudeist Priest you have that power! You only have to get their name and their email address and email us the list. Or, even better – set up a laptop and a printer and do it for them right there on the website, then give them a free printout of the online certificate. People will definitely dig your style.

  7. Drive around while listening to Credence or the movie soundtrack and enjoy the occasional acid flashback.
  8. Make some strongly commendable Dudeist art and send scans of them to us for our online gallery.
  9. Go for a long walk and don’t answer your phone all day.
  10. Get a discussion group together to discuss The Big Lebowski, Great Dudes in History, Dudeist Philosophy, etc.
  11. Engage in a natural, zesty enterprise with a willing partner. Then tell each other about yourselves over cocktails and what-have-you.
  12. Go to In-N-Out Burger, or make your own.
Here at PhilosFX, we are simply going to offer a gallery of Dude-related art and memes for your perusal, interlaced among links to past posts. 

The 20th anniversary of this movie's release is only 3 short years away. What sort of creative celebrations do you suppose we could come up with in that amount of time?