
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Men's Health

Photo: 123 Royalty Free

Have you made your Doctor's appointment(s) yet?  I have these on my Cosa da fare List:

  • Vaccinations (still need a flu shot)
  • Complete physical for retirement--this is very, um, "comprehensive" 
  • Behavioral health check-up (why not?)
  • Annual dental screening--actually, I am overdue
  • Annual eye exam--also late
  • Annual health and wellness screening
  • Periodic blood lab because my oncologist is a data freak

I will post my status updates here, and on my "Mo Space" at MoBro.Co/FoamFan. Practice what you preach, right?

Recently I highlighted a dozen men's health issues with statistics published by Movember USA and Remember?

  • stress
  • obesity 
  • prostate cancer 
  • testicular cancer
  • lung cancer
  • thyroid cancer
  • breast cancer
  • skin cancer
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure
  • mental illness
  • reluctance to go to the doctor

Now I want to encourage all my Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to "harass" the men in your lives to get a checkup and pay attention to the results! The earlier you find a problem, the more likely you can deal with it and extend your life expectancy.

I am especially interested in two topics:

  • early detection to identify and treat various forms of cancer, and 
  • physical activity to reduce stress, manage weight, and maintain good mental health 

So here are three things men can do in Movember to change the face of Men's Health

  • Put down the razor and give your face a frickin' break already!
  • Grab the phone and get an appointment for a physical exam. Just do it!
  • Go for a brisk walk: burn off a few calories and generate some FREE serotonin!   

And, if you are so inclined:

  • Link to this post and share it with others
  • Cruise over to MoBro.Co/FoamFan and make a donation 
  • Post a comment to let me know you support the Movember cause

Live long and prosper!

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