
Sunday, August 7, 2011

HaPpY bIrThDaY PhIlOsFx!

PhilosFX is One Year Old!

Celebrating a year in the blogosphere!

This experiment in blogging was born on the 7th of August, 2010. I have been true to the vision, or if not, the changes made sense.

In a world with so many options, I am incredibly grateful for all the people who take the time to stop by and read through a few blog posts now and then. Thank you!

I am also grateful for people who leave comments, either on the blog or via email. I never wanted to blog to myself! That's basically a journal, right? I appreciate the interaction and feedback. Anonymous comments and constructive criticism are always welcome. And I love giving a written "tip of the hat" to anyone who suggests a theme for a post.

So, let me just ask: what are some things you'd like to read about in future posts? Leave some ideas in the comments section.

Here's to Year Two, which begins today!

PhilosFX is ...

"...the blog that asks, "If your life were a movie, would anyone watch?" We'll combine philosophy and special effects to explore a wide range of subjects. Some call it, "Technicolor Omphaloskepsis." I call it Life: examined, shared, and truly lived."

In the first year, some 230 posts on a wide variety of topics have garnered nearly 7000 views, 146 comments, and visits from 27 countries and 34 states! 

Philosophy + Special Effects = Cool Commentary Clearinghouse

KEYWORD(S): Ba-gua Cube, Better Living, Craft brewed beer, Frugal traveling, Blog about nothing, Data-Driven Decision-Making, Knees in the breeze (on Harleys), Measuring Success, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Multi-Objective Decision Analysis, Philosophy, Political typology, Psychology of Happiness, Random Adventures of a Polymath, Science of Better, Special Effects, Technicolor Omphaloskepsis, The Quest for Brewed Nirvana, Value-Focused Thinking, Visual Evidence

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