
Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Do and Be Better


Words of Wisdom from the Oracle of Omaha

Are you addicted to achievement and adventure? Are you afraid of missing out? Does this disposition make you feel anxious, competitive, or insecure in some way? You are not alone! 

There is a cure, and it may surprise you. 

Sometimes, we get so caught up in our calendars, schedules, agendas, and endless To-Do lists that we forget why we are even here on this Earth. We focus on improving our activities, our achievements, our adventures--our "doings"--until we lose our balance. Nothing is ever good enough, and time rolls by ever faster, increasing a sense of separation. 

All the attention we pour into doing things better, faster, and cheaper may come at the expense of deepening and improving the essence of who we are: our values, character, and demeanor.

I am reminded of the phrase, "Peaceful Being and Purposeful Doing" by Steven Lawson, creator of the Monk Manual. Like Warren, Steven suggests that true happiness lies in finding and maintaining the balance between our Being and our Doing. Warren emphasized the importance of surrounding ourselves with people who push us to both do and be better.

We are not just our accomplishments; we are values on display, for whatever precious little time is allotted us. There is nothing wrong with the drive to enhance productivity. Do your best! But don't neglect the personal growth and development that comes from study, introspection, and contemplation. We must also endeavor to be the best possible version of ourselves. 

Contemplation is necessary, but not sufficient. Nothing happens until something moves. The cure I alluded to above lies in helping others. We must get out of our own heads and be of service. Be kind to yourself, and in your dealings with others, be just a little kinder than the situation requires. No drama or negativity, just positive reinforcement and encouragement. No jealousy or hate, just bringing out the absolute best in each other. 

Warren's words of wisdom are a perfect share for Wisdom Wednesday. If you would like to explore this topic deeper, let me know. My mastermind group for publishers exists to develop that sweet spot between being and doing.  

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