
Friday, February 15, 2019

The ENTP – Tony Stark / Iron Man

Have you ever wondered which Superhero has your Myers-Briggs® Personality Type? I have!

My favorite Superhero is Bruce Wayne / Batman. According to Personality Growth's post on the subject,  
"Bruce Wayne is introverted and extremely intellectual. He is a billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. He has a strong goal to seek vengeance for his parents death, and bring justice to criminals of Gotham. He trains himself physically, and crafts his own persona solely on his intelligence. Batman is capable of becoming a superhero without any superpowers, because of his powerful intellect."
Personality Growth assesses Batman aka Bruce Wayne as an INTJ. Even though I feel an affinity to the Batman, I do not share the Introversion or Judging aspects of his personality type. I suppose the appeal comes in through the shared NT or "Promethean" aspect. 

Prometheus was a Greek Titan who stole fire from the Gods and gave it to mortals. According to Typology Central, NTs have a "Promethean" temperament because NTs want to make people more like Gods through their inventions. 

I can relate! 


But not everyone agrees that Batman is INTJ. To me more specific, there are those who would distinguish the Batman of comics from the Dark Knight of the Nolan film trilogy. According to this source, the Dark Knight is more of an ISTJ.  

If Batman and I do not share the same MBTI profile, then with which Superhero am I most aligned? An answer--one that I can really get behind--comes from our friend and fellow Nebraskan, Susan Storm at Psychology Junkie.

Check this out!  

ENTP – Tony Stark / Iron Man

The ENTP – An ingenious troubleshooter who is skilled at connecting-the-dots and finding creative solutions to problems. The ENTP is guided by a hunger for logic and a thirst for stretching the boundaries of what’s possible.

So far, so good...
Tony Stark’s mind is always buzzing with possibilities and ideas that can improve the future. Like all ENTPs, his rapid-fire verbal sparring can get him in trouble, but it’s his ingenious inventions that set him apart. Even in the bleakest scenarios, Tony Stark is able to envision a way out – in fact, sometimes the feeling of being trapped enables him to think more creatively than he would otherwise. This is typical for ENTPs who often find that they get their best ideas under pressure!

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