
Thursday, October 8, 2020

MOvember 2020: How can you help?

MOvember is coming! In honor of the awesome power of the moustache, the month formerly known as November is now called MOvember! Otherwise sane men around the world will be raising a moustache in MOvember while raising awareness about men's health issues. We're making progress, but there is plenty more to do, and I am looking for some help. 

I joined the MO team in 2010 as an active cancer patient. During my battle, I noticed that too many men are dying before their time. I became interested in joining the fight to improve men’s health. 

2020 will be my 10th year as a MO Bro, part of a global organization that is committed to helping men live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

These statistics show just how much the men’s health crisis needs our attention:

  • In the U.S, men die on average six years earlier than women, and for largely preventable reasons 
  • Undiagnosed or untreated male-specific cancers claim too many men
    • 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime
    • Testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young men 
  • Stress and mental health issues cause early, avoidable death
    • 3 out of 4 suicides are men
      • Men commit suicide at a rate of 60 per hour around the globe. 
      • The suicide count includes 22 US military veterans per day
    • Many men have difficulty coping with stress 
  • Inactivity leads to obesity which increases disease and cuts years off of life.

Since inception in 2003, the Movember Foundation and an army of MO Bros and MO Sistas has raised and invested millions of dollars for projects in prostate cancer, testicular cancer and men’s mental health and suicide prevention, but our work is only just getting started as we change the face of men’s health.

We must continue this game-changing work so that men live happier, healthier, and longer lives. This is only possible with the support of the amazing MO Community each year, raising funds and awareness – and having fun along the way.

Once again I will be participating as a MO Bro! I am almost 60 and my fundraising goal is 10X 60 or $600. Here are my planned activities, and YOU can help

  • Participate in the Distinguished Gentleperson's Ride, or support a rider < On 9/27 I rode 60 miles in a suit and you can see pics and donate HERE
  • Serve as Captain of Team Just Twist It < You can join my team as a MO Bro or MO Sista! No MOustache required! Just help raise awareness and funds. Easy and fund and I will coach you! Click the LINK.
  • Sacrifice my Walt Whitman-esque beard and long hair < Currently looking for a skilled barber to delicately trim my treasured tresses
  • Participate in the Great American Shave-Off < This will be a membership drive and Fundraiser on 10/31
  • Raise a MOustache, not my best look, but I will endure the humiliation for a great cause and share progress on My MO Space < You can offer encouragement and stifle your inclination to mock
  • Create a Facebook Fundraising page and manage the MO8: MOnumental MOnday MOrning MOtivated MOustache MOney and MOvement MOment! < You can Like, Share, and Donate from my Facebook page
  • Host at least one fund-raising event, likely a happy hour at The Breezeway Cafe < You can drop a comment and I'll invite you to the events. Participate live or via Zoom.
  • Walk at least 2 miles a day to MOve for MOvember < You can pledge any amount. The suggestion is $0.60 per mile, for the 60 male suicides globally each hour. That will be $36 when I complete 60 miles.

My fundraising goal for this year is $600 from all sources. Maybe half of that will come from Facebook, a third from Walking, a fourth from the Ride and other events, and the rest from passing the hat. Yes, pocket change is accepted! No gift is too small. There are so many ways you can help! It would be great to have your support this year – our mission to stop men from dying too young truly depends on you.

Thanks and Let's MO!


There are FIVE (5) MOndays in MOvember 2020, so that is FIVE MO8s!

  • 2 Nov: Let's MO! 0% of Movement and Moola goals
  • 9 Nov: Doing great! 25%  of Movement and Moola goals
  • 16 Nov: Half-way!  50% of Movement and Moola goals
  • 23 Nov: Nearly there! 75% of Movement and Moola goals
  • 30 Nov: Wrap it up! 100% of Movement and Moola goals

Get ready for MOnumental MOnday MOrning MOtivated MOustache MOney and MOvement MOment! 

Doing good and having fun! 

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