
Monday, August 3, 2015

Mattis Quotes

Here, in words and pictures, are a half-dozen of my favorite quotes from

Marine General James "Mad Dog" Mattis

Some of these I made using WikiQuotes as the source for quotes and WikiPedia as the source of the underlying profile picture. Others I selected from among billions readily found in a Google image search. They should proliferate with abandon, in my humble opinion!

Readers Poll:

  • Which of these posters would you most like to have hanging on the wall in your home, office, or home office? (I really like #3 myself!)
  • Have you a favorite Mattis quote not shown here? 

Do tell...

Perhaps you feel General Mattis lacks a certain nuanced approach to engaging with others in the world we all share. Maybe his directness makes you uncomfortable. I understand that. No one thinks James Mattis would be a good candidate for Secretary of State. No one including Mad Dog himself would consider the man a diplomat. Here's the bottom line: when diplomacy fails and it's just you and the other guy and only one will survive, who are you going to call? John Kerry? Or James Mattis?

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