
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Life is a Balancing Act

Life is a Balancing Act
"We all have our balancing act to do.

A kind person must avoid being a doormat, for their own sake and so not to interrupt others' life lessons. The highly intelligent must remember that it is not only the world within, but the outside world which enriches their existence. The extrovert, in addition to the energy they gain from being with others, must find a way to be at peace with being alone.

"Everyday, every one of us is adjusting to the ever-shifting fulcrum beneath our personal balance board. Some days, we stay upright. Some days, we wobble. Some days, we just plain fall off.

"Getting up and trying again - This is Living."

My friend Joy touched my heart today. I asked her for permission to re-post her words of wisdom for PhilosFX readers. In grateful response to the power of Joy's message, here are a couple of questions for you to discuss with your friends today:

  • How are you maintaining your balance today?
  • Where do you find the strength to climb back on the balance board after a fall?
  • How do your aspirations help you cope with setbacks?  

Photo deviant art
Words: Joy Murphy

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