
Thursday, April 24, 2014

50 Reasons Not To Date A Poet | Betty Generic (NaPoMo 24/30)

A post from poet Betty Generic dated June 2013 came to my attention recently when poet Suzi Q shared it via Facebook, and I just had to rebroadcast it here on PhilosFX during #NaPoMo

50 Reasons Not To Date A Poet

by Betty Generic

Selected excerpts

4. They have deep conversations with animals, clouds, and Grecian Urns.

5. Excessive use of  “Poetry Hands.”

26. It takes a least a week to a year for them to form their opinion about something, and that opinion is subject to change.

40. They crave plot twists.

All 50 reasons are HERE. Do you have any favorites today? Share in comments!

Please take a moment and support a budding poet by visiting Betty's Word Press blog, In addition to this post, I also enjoyed her "Bedroom window" haiku series. Her "About" page is particularly intriguing....

Go! Listen, Speak, and Celebrate the spoken word! 

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