
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Iron Butt Ride in Review

The third time was the charm: 

I finally made it! 1 K in 1 Day and All is OK!

To earn the Saddle Sore Award from the Iron Butt Association, I logged over 1,000 miles in under 24 hours. As many folks know, this was my third attempt. Bad weather and a flat tire dashed my previous efforts back in Nov 2011.

All that's forgotten now... I am basking in the sweet glow of success....

We had 10 bikes and together, riders and sponsors raised $1870 and counting for our selected charity, Not Alone. Some more checks are still coming in, and the online site is still available.

The time logged included a very special hour on the ground at Cape Fear H-D in Fayetteville, NC. There, we spent time with: 
  • Erick S., Sergeant-at-Arms from Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club, Ch 61, Joint Base  Bragg-Pope; 
  • Kelli, a volunteer for Not Alone's Fayetteville Chapter, who reminded us that every dollar donated to Not Alone translates into medical help for veterans dealing with PTSD;
  • John, the G-M at Cape Fear H-D and our gracious host; and 
  • a few Cape Fear H.O.G. members who greeted us and showed us around the lounge (I zoomed in on the coffee pot). 
Ed, Erick, Me, Kelli, Keith, Dave, Laura, Amy

Our cheerful photographer
Smile for the iPhone

Showing Erick my bona fides as a Green Knight

As for the satellite tracker, we had some "technical difficulties!" Keith hit the send button at every stop, but our location never registered.

Out of 10 bikes, 7 made it over 1000 miles in under 24 hours. We had three groups that started and ened at Pariot H-D. Two pairs rode separate routes. Bob and Jerry headed for the Tail of the Dragon. Jean-Claude and Charley chose an out and back route. The remaining six of us took off on a clockwise tour of VA and NC.

We encountered rain, humidity, fog, and cold as we rode. In the middle of a cold and foggy night, our 3 Hoka Hey veterans, Keith, Laura, and Amy, fell victim to the Siren Song of a Hampton Inn. I finished with Dave A. and Ed M. at 1057 miles in 22:37 hours.

Dave catches 40 winks while the energy drink absorbs

A final note: The Iron Butt Association holds an annual Memorial Ride, and I rode in memory of my friend and Baghdad Battle Buddy, Jim Daron, who died two years ago fighting cancer.

James R. Daron, Jr.
LTC, US Army (Ret)
Oct 24, 1952--Sep 18, 2010

There is no doubt in my mind that 2-wheeled travel is a spiritual endeavor. I had no trouble talking to Jim as we rode along together mile after mile. And it's not just me. At one point in Abingdon, Keith had Hoka Hey flashbacks. Coincidentally, we stopped for gas at the very station where he went looking for help when the Hoka Hey instructions were unclear. In his distant gaze, I could tell he was reliving the hours he spent zig-zagging the hills, looking for the trail...

The moon set was spectacular, as was the sun rise. It was a Great Day! All 24 hours of it!

Check that one off the ol' W.I.S.H. List! Wooooo-hoooo!

Thank you for your interest and support!

A day on a bike is a day well spent!


  1. It sounds like EIGHT of you earned the Iron Butt Association Saddle Sore Award. Bravo!

    1. That's right, Melanie! What a beautiful thought! Seven bikes but 8 souls...

  2. I'm so glad that you were successful this time! But, did you say Fayetteville...And I didn't even know you were in NC???

    1. Dear "Not-so" Anonymous (Ha!): I could see why you might be a little upset with me! I was focusing on riding over one thousand miles in under twenty-four hours, and I completely forgot my manners. It won't happen again! LOL.

    2. You could always get a bike and ride with us next year! It was a ton of fun for a great cause!
