
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Scenes from the 1 K in 1 Day Challenge Ride

Here I am with CERUS, ready to roll!

A closer look at Keith's Hoka Hey ride

I like the brass knuckles decal

The most technical part of the ride was negotiating the Fairfax Circle! HA! Actually, we did snake up from Fayetteville to Winston-Salem on some secondary highways, and I was not familiar with I-26 (Future), but it turned out to be a great road through the mountains. Since we stopped for gas near H-D dealerships, we did have a bit of urban riding, but just enough to keep things interesting.


Robin works the registration table as Lyndon and Angela look on

Angela Marie S. from Not Alone, and Keith D. from Big Bike Productions

Ed, Amy, Laura, Dave A., Dave D., and Keith

A ride of 1,000 miles begins with planning, support, and the mighty roar of six V-Twins!  

Friday, September 28, 2012

Track our progress on the 1K in 1 Day Challenge


The 1 K in 1 Day Challenge is here!
We leave Sat Sept 29 at 9:00 am Eastern and we aim to complete a 1000 mile course in under 24 hours. Not only are we attempting to gain entry into the Iron Butt Association, we are also raising funds and awareness for Not Alone, and organization helping veterans dealing with PTSD.

Our Road Captain, Keith DeNinno, has a GPS. Once we get started, you can follow our progress! 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Andy Williams

Andy Williams
Legendary Entertainer

According to the old cliche, "If you can remember the 1960s, you weren't there." To which I say, either that, or you were too young to get the full effect! 

My parents were teens when Andy Williams and Elvis Presley both had their first big hits in the mid-50s.  If children are to believe everything their parents tell them, my folks preferred Andy's wholesome, middle-America style to Elvis' gyrations. 

This much is true: as a lad in the 60s I remember hearing and enjoying these songs at home: 
  •  Moon River (great tune, and Andy's signature number)
  • Born Free (watched this movie with my parents and loved the movie and the song)
  • The Most Wonderful Time of the Year (perennial favorite from his beloved Christmas TV specials)
  • Where Do I Begin (the theme to Love Story) (OK, I am secure enough in my manhood to publish this--I read Love Story as a kid, and I feel this song is Andy's masterpiece)
I can also remember a cherished 8.5 x 11 program with Andy's portrait on the cover. This program was brought out and displayed every year at Christmas time.
The 84-year-old entertainer died at his Branson home following a yearlong battle with bladder cancer. He continued to perform into his 80s.His legacy includes the Moon River Theater in Branson, MO, a book by the same name, thousands of recordings, and millions of fans.

Rest In Peace

Words of Wit and Wisdom: Fertilizer

In the garden of Life, there are roses, and there is, shall we say, "fertilizer." We get to choose how we divide our attention.


Related "Words of Wit and Wisdom" series posts: 

WWW #1: Juice 
WWW #2: Remote 
WWW #3: Frogs 
WWW #4: Bumper Stickers 
WWW #5: Wasabi 
WWW #6: Optimism 
WWW #7: Ignorance

Getting My Bike Ready

Getting my bike ready for the 1K in 1 Day Challenge!

More info about the 1K in 1 Day Challenge ride is HERE. Wish us luck!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Masters of the Potomac

I had a blast sailing with Ray and the crew of the STACY LYNN during the Masters of the Potomac regatta. I enjoyed getting to know the crew, the STACY LYNN, and the sport of racing better. 

Making ready

Our 55 km race began and ended at the Quantico Yacht Club. Winds gusting to 20 knots from the north pushed us south and we rode the ebbing tides out to seaward. At one point, we hit 7 knots of boat speed, which in a boat feels like flying. We thought maybe, if we timed it just right,  we could hit the turn-around point at Colonial Beach just as the tides reversed. We made the Nice Bridge (Route 301) in record time. 

Well, what actually happened was the favorable wind shifted, then died. By the time we finally hit the turn, we were sailing a broad reach up river, into still air. The current and the tide cancelled each other out. In slack water, we made slow progress in long tacks across the river, just as long as there was the slightest puff of air to shake the sails a bit.

And then of course, as it does every 6 hours or so around here, the tide turned again. Now the current and the tide were both pushing against us. In light air, we were fighting a losing battle with the elements. After passing the red buoy near Nice Bridge for the first time on our return trip, we saw it again as we slipped back south. Ray dropped anchor and we waited for the wind or the tide to change. 

And we got our hopes up a couple times, hauling anchor and passing that red buoy, only to get beat back again. What are you gonna do? We saw that buoy so  many times we named it Red Buddy. 

I'd rather be anchored off Red Buddy than stuck in an office somewhere. Now, that said, anchoring off Red Buddy begins to lose some of its charm after the 3d time... HA!

No matter. We had plenty of great food and drinks aboard for the 24 hour race. Peg's stew was superb. Naturally, I brought along a selection of craft-brewed beers, all prepared locally in places like "Port City" or bearing names like "Loose Cannon." Here is a recipe for the best espresso cookies ever. We were well-fed. Not only was the quality high and the quantity plentiful, but I noticed that Jay's brownies were individually wrapped. That kind of thoughtfulness takes care and class.


I am grateful that Mike was able to fend off the al-Quaeda S.E.A.L. that attempted to board the STACY LYNN just before she crossed the start line. We owe him. 


We are also indebted to Peg for spotting the UFO (Unidentified Flaming Object). You spared Ray from alien abduction, which in turn allowed him to win the Falling Star Tournament.


Falling Star Tournament (Unofficial) Results
  • Ray: 3
  • Jay: 2
  • Mike: 2 
  • Peg: 2
  • Dave: 1 (finally!) 

In my defense, the view of the sky is severely restricted while riding low side ballast. The fact that I was sleeping with my head tied to the mast did not help matters much, either. Do I get a PHRF Rating handicap of +1? That would move me from DFL into a 4-way tie for second. 

Speaking of placing, I am just glad that we managed to avoid the crab pots. Crab pots are everywhere in the Potomac, usually in about 30 feet of water. Sometimes, the channel is 100 feet deep, too deep for crab pots, and then all you have to look out for is the barges. But sometimes the channel flattens out, and crabbers roll out their pots, marked with little floats on lines that love to wrap themselves around a sailboat's keel. Sand bars, rocky shoals, and crab pots have hung up many a keel on the treacherous Potomac. 

For placing crab pots in the path of our competitor, causing them to become entangled and forcing them to start their engine to get free, and thus disqualify themselves, which in turn allowed us to move up in the standings, we offer to the watermen in question a tip of the Gill 136 Technical Sailing Cap. Race Commodore Ray keeps the trophy for the STACY LYNN, and for that, we thank you.

Our Skipper

Meanwhile we all keep the memories of camaraderie, shared hardship, challenges met, a splendidly colorful sunrise, and a full 24-hour day on the water.

Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning! 

Can we do this again next year?

Remembering 9/11

... 11 Years and 11 Days Later

We pause today to remember the September 11 attacks on our nation, to honor those who lost their lives in the attacks, and to commend those who continue to fight to protect our country. -- Center for American Progress, 9/11/2012

CEE sent me the above link to the Center for American Progress. In my reply, I said, "Healing takes time. We will be stronger as a Nation, eventually. God bless us all." 24 hours later, this news rocked me:

  U.S. Ambassador to Libya 

Killed by Terrorists on 9/11 

I reflected on my thoughts about healing and I remember thinking, "What a blindly simplistic and overly optimistic comment."

I can't take that thought back and wouldn't even if I could. I put it out there for a reason. But I do wonder whether I will ever feel that way again. Look at all the violence and anti-American rage that has spilled out at our diplomatic outposts around the world. Has all of the progress made in Iraq and Afghanistan been erased by a single 14-minute video?

Perhaps 9/12/2012 hit me hard because 9/11/2012 had been a very emotional day for me.

  • For starters, the weather Tuesday was eerily similar to that of Tuesday 9/11/2001: clear blue, cloudless skies, and crisp fall temps. Hauntingly beautiful! 
  • I had a meeting at 9:30 and I announced that my intention was to observe a moment of silence at 9:37. Everyone readily agreed, and when my wristwatch alarm sounded, they joined in. 
  • In the afternoon I went to the Pentagon for our annual ASA, M&RA / DCS, G-1 9/11 memorial service. I felt like I was attending the reunion of my second family. There were somber moments, but there was also joy of rekindling old friendships and other signs of healing. 
  • I studied the memorial at the end of Corridor 4,  looked at the graphic of the flight's deadly path hanging outside LTG Maude's old office, and visited the chapel and touched the piece of glass I placed in one of the stained glass windows. 
  • I also attended the DoD 9/11 memorial service in center Courtyard. Hon Panetta spoke and his delivery was strong and powerful. I admire his leadership style. 
  • After returning home I changed into riding clothes and rode up to Patriot H-D for the group ride to the Pentagon Memorial. At PHD, I enjoyed seeing my friends, new and old. We talked business, and made big plans, and had a great ride to the Pentagon. 
  • During the ceremony, the names of all 184 victims were read in groups of 10. Interestingly, the groups were not alphabetical. The names of my friends were interspersed in such a way as to shock me when I heard them.  
  • After the ceremony at the memorial, I took pleasure in serving as a docent / tour guide, explaining the memorial's design to many, and sharing my stories about some special people.
  • I stopped at a favorite restaurant in Old Town to treat myself to a late dinner on the way home, feeling fine.

That's when things began to take a twisting turn for the slightly more complicated. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the US Consulate in Benghazi was under attack....

JLD contacted me with this poignant 9/11 thought, still before the new attacks were in my awareness. 
I wonder very much these days if our efforts over the past 11 years will be seen as worthy, effective, responsible, in light of the heavy responsibility for justice and security we were handed on that day 11 years ago.  
To which I replied
You pose a good question. We can wonder whether the world is better, whether our Nation is stronger, or whether our children are safer in this post 9/11 age so much of our creation. Hard to say, but one thing is sure: we cannot roll back the clock. We have to flow forward.

Again, simplistic in hindsight...

Later, two other friends,JL and MWR, independently challenged my traditionalist view of what "really"happened  on 9/11. Both point to evidence of an inside job with conspiracy theory videos and other evidence that is making the rounds.

Part of me wants to dismiss any conspiracy theory out of hand. Hey, I was there, I know what I saw. But another part of me wants to at least understand the allegations. I watched this video with an open mind: Mysterious Deaths of 9/11 Eyewitnesses. I have to admit, the mysterious deaths of so many people who might know something counter to the shared, traditional story of 9/11 is beyond coincidence.

I awoke on 9/12 to the news of the brutal death of our Ambassador to Libya and the looting of our Embassy in Tripoli and our Consulate in Benghazi late in the day on 9/11. I realized that balance has not yet been restored.

Of the murderous rampage, my friend JB said
RIP Ambassador Christopher Stevens and 3 yet to be named American embassy staff (most certainly Diplomatic Security Service protection agents) that were killed in Libya. I hope our country STRONGLY responds to this senseless act of violence. This country has not lost an ambassador to violence/terrorism since 1979. Let us not forget that on a daily basis, thousands of American citizens work on our behalf at Embassy and Consulate posts around the world.... 
To which I replied

May the perpetrators rot in eternal damnation. May the force of our strong response deter any future attacks. May 9/11 remain as a day to remember, reflect, and renew, rather than as a day for crackpots to take a swipe at us when we are grieving.

Now, I am not proud of this display of raw emotion. But I am proud of being human and of giving a damn, so I will not retract the comment.

BF cynically added

There will be no response because this administration is WEAK.. Obama will not even address it.. But he will have a press conference on contraceptives this afternoon. We are all screwed.. Literally ! For goodness sake NBC didn't even acknowledge 9/11 yesterday.. While other networks covered the solemn commemoration of the first plane striking the World Trade Center on Tuesday, NBC's "Today" show aired Kardashian family matriarch Kris Jenner talking about her breast augmentation.

and I said

BF, that's not disappointing, it's actually disgusting. Thank you for speaking up about it.

I spent time with my daughter the night of 9/12 in our annual ritual of remembrance and respect. With lit red, white, and blue candles we sat near the water and read the names of my 29 co-workers who died. Our memorial was simple and beautiful. Yet, even as I strive to instill in my daughter the values of respect for life and strength in the face of hatred, I have to wonder--what kind of world am I building for her? I noticed that my confidence in the future had changed between 9/11 and 9/12.

    Forgive me, but.... 

    Even 11 days after 11 years after 9/11, I do not believe the world is any better than it was 11 years and 12 days ago. We are not re-balanced. We are not re-aligned. We are not healed. Health, happiness, and prosperity is not a universal human trait but a privilege enjoyed by a shrinking minority at the expense of a growing and increasingly hostile majority. My mission, and the mission of every parent  with a heart, head, and hands is to postpone Armageddon as long as possible.

    But how? Give in to demands for global Sharia? Pull back from our global diplomatic engagement and outreach? Abandon our strategic military alliances and focus on domestic issues? Watch the Kardashians, and pretend everything is hunky-dory?

    None of the above!

    Here is my prescription: We need the kind of tolerance for and acceptance of other points of view that can only come from education and awareness. We need to show dignity and respect for all people, even those whose values are very different from ours. We must also demand the same awareness and respect from others.

    "Justice is a two-edged sword."

    Monday, September 10, 2012

    PhilosFX 9/11 Compilation


    I launched PhilosFX in August, 2010. To date, there have been 15 posts with a 9/11 theme. As we prepare to mark the 11th Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I wanted to present a compilation of these posts for your convenience.  The posts are in reverse chronological order for ease of historical review.

    I invite you to take a moment, scan through the post list, and follow a few of the links.

    Remember, Reflect, and Renew

    9/11 at 11: the lost United States of 10 September 2001
    Sep 10, 2012
    In this poignant article, author Morris Davis, writing for the Guardian, remembers when the land of the free and the home of the brave was a little more of both.

    Sep 12, 2011
    The 12 Most Memorable Moments From the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 caught my eye. What were YOUR most memorable moments? I'll lead off with my own top 12, in chronological order. Add yours in the comments, please!

    Sep 07, 2011
    WHAT: A global outpouring of post-9/11 Love, Healing, and Unity WHEN: There are activities scheduled on 9, 10, and 11 Sep culminating in a global group hug 10 years and 10 hours after the first plane hit the north side

    Jun 14, 2011
    But the events of 9/11 caused the transformation to happen on the fly, rather than in stages, so the transformation was more of an evolution. After 9/11 we also started wearing our combat uniform in the Pentagon in lieu of the ...

    PhilosFX: The Real Reason There Was No Ninth Season of "24"
    May 02, 2011
    The Anti-American terrorism that began with attacks on our embassies in Africa, continued with an attack on one of our ships, and crescendoed with the 9/11 attacks on our financial, military, and political centers had not only ...

    PhilosFX: Remember, reflect, renew: 9/11/2010
    Sep 13, 2010
    For me, 9/11 is still very much a day of solemn remembrance, reflection, and renewal. The time was 9:37 am, Tues, Sep 11th, 2001. In that split-second when the Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon, 184 innocent lives were lost.

    PhilosFX: Ted Koppel: Nine years after 9/11, let's stop playing into ...
    Sep 11, 2010
    Ted Koppel: Nine years after 9/11, let's stop playing into bin Laden's hands · Ted Koppel: Nine years after 9/11, let's stop playing into bin Laden's hands. Posted by Dave at 10:50 AM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare ...

    PhilosFX: God is still speaking...
    Sep 07, 2011
    Remembering the anniversary of 9/11 by sharing this reflection from the United Church of Christ Still speaking ministry. Posted by Dave at 2:10 PM · Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook. Labels: Receptivity ...

    Sep 02, 2011
    On Sept 11th each year, the sun will align with the northern wall at 8:46, and with the southern wall at 10:28. This 102 minute gap represents the time when the first (North) tower was hit and when the last (North) tower collapsed.

    PhilosFX: "24"
    Apr 13, 2011
    "24" was perfect for its time, the post-9/11 period from the fall of 2001 through the historic elections in 2008 and into the spring of 2010. Considering the real-world events of the day, the need for a counter terrorism unit like the ...

    PhilosFX: New TSA Procedures
    Nov 30, 2010
    The relevant poll question is not whether one feels safer now compared to 10 years ago, before 9/11. How could anyone know? How could one measure the level of safety and security one feels (or inversely, the level of threat ...

    Nov 10, 2010
    The takeaway is that most American have no idea what most Muslims really think about us, or 9/11, or bin Laden. Most people, not just Americans but all people, have beliefs that are based on fears, not facts. Education is the ...

    PhilosFX: Aldous Huxley vs. George Orwell
    Nov 05, 2010
    In our post-9/11 America of terrorist witch hunts, there are a lot of similarities to Stalin's regime, upon which Orwell modeled Ingsoc. It takes no stretches of the imagination to find parallels between the evening talk shows and ...

    PhilosFX: Muslims vs. terrorists
    Aug 26, 2010
    I read the Koran, observed Ramadan, and even purchased a prayer rug--though I have never used it for its intended purpose. I deployed to Kosovo to protect Muslims. I was in the Pentagon on 9/11 when terrorists attacked.

    PhilosFX: Point-Counterpoint on the Proposed Mosque in NYC
    Aug 25, 2010
    Conservative Christians and families of 9/11 victims are protesting at Ground Zero, at the proposed construction site, and in towns across America—some even burning the Quran. But NYC's Mayor Bloomberg observes that ...

    9/11 at 11: the lost United States of 10 September 2001

    The 9/11 memorial at Ground Zero in New York. Photograph: Justin Lane/AP

    In this poignant article, author Morris Davis, writing for the Guardian, remembers when the land of the free and the home of the brave was a little more of both.  

    Do you remember Monday, September 10th, 2001? The market was strong, unemployment was low, and the budget was not only balanced, but we had a sizable surplus. At that time, we did not see a military threat on the near horizon. Honorable Ric Shinseki, now Secretary of Veterans Affairs, was then Army Chief of Staff. We were trying to figure out how to spend some of the surplus to dramatically transform the Army into a leaner, more lethal, more responsive force within the time available.

    All that changed in a New York minute. 

    I will be spending a portion of my 9/11 remembrance day with friends and family members of the fallen in the Pentagon, at the memorial near the point of the plane's impact. The place where 29 of my Army Staff co-workers had their lives snatched from them is holy ground for many of us who were there in the Pentagon that Tuesday morning eleven years ago.

    The passage of time does little to blunt the pain of our losses, but it does afford us the opportunity to examine our motives and our perspectives in a new light. The 11th anniversary of 9/11 is a fitting moment for an audit of American values. 

    Morris argues persuasively that perceptions of what is right and wrong changed when "fear took hold in the Home of the Brave."  Fighting for justice and freedom is one thing. Fighting for revenge, or political leverage, or financial gain is another thing entirely.   

    Given the 'war on terror' and all its attendant costs in time, talent, and treasure, Morris asks, are we better as a Nation than we were 11 years ago? 

    There is nothing we can do to bring any of our fallen back. They are gone. There is nothing we can do to roll back the hands of time, either. However, we can all look at history with the benefit if hindsight, and think about what it means to be brave in the face of uncertainty and brutality.

    A solemn article for a solemn day, and worth a read.

    Words of Wit and Wisdom: Ignorance

    WWW #7: Ignorance

    If ignorance is the cost of bliss
    I'll pay the price for grouchy.

    Previous posts in the "Words of Wit and Wisdom" series 

    WWW #1: Juice 
    WWW #2: Remote 
    WWW #3: Frogs 
    WWW #4: Bumper Stickers 
    WWW #5: Wasabi 
    WWW #6: Optimism 

    Sunday, September 9, 2012

    Health and Wealth

    The chart from Gap Minder plots health and income by country for an interesting look at the world. For a closer view of the graph, click HERE

    Some thoughts:

    • Monaco is looking pretty good! 
    • Where is Costa Rica, leader of the Happiness Index?
    • Is the wide disparity a natural and good thing for humanity?

    What is the correct attitude for those in the upper right quadrant regarding those in the lower left?

    • Better them than me!
    • Education is wasted on those who are poor in resources and drive.  
    • Why don't they just move to Monaco?
    • Man, when they figure out how bad off they are, they are gonna be pissed!  

    What is the correct attitude for those in the lower left quadrant regarding those in the upper right?

    • The ignorant deserve to be poor and sick. 
    • Them bastards in Monaco won't let me in!
    • The secret to happiness is being grateful for what we have, not comparing ourselves with others who have more.
    • I am stuck. My children are stuck. I think I'll light myself on fire.

    What do our answers to the above questions tell us about our world view?

    Gap Minder: for a fact-based world view!

    Friday, September 7, 2012

    Words Used at the National Conventions

    Republicans and Democrats have just concluded their National Conventions. Political junkies like me  watched or listened to both conventions, and were bombarded by words and phrases, claims and counter claims.

    What does it all mean?

    Enter an interactive feature brought by which shows the most common words used along with the proportion by Democrats (in blue) and Republicans (in red).

    What do you make of this bit of analysis? It is interactive--try adding your own words and watch the result!

    I find it fascinating! Have a look, then come back and discuss in the comments. Women, Church, Leadership, Hope, Military, Jobs, Trust: do you see any surprises?

    H/T: Dave Pell

    Thursday, September 6, 2012


    As we know, life is all too short. 
    Therefore, be thankful for each day, 
    and commit to living life fully.

    "Hominem te esse memento! Memento mori!"

    Handlebar Hold-up!

    Scoutmob Shoppe - Handlebar Holdup - Men's Crew Neck 

    Guns don't kill people. Bad-assed, pistol-packing moustaches with itchy trigger-whiskers and a wicked mean streak kill people.

    Somebody buy me this t-shirt from Fuzzy Ink in Silver Spring and no one gets hurt!

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    Mo-mo-mo-mo-mo Motivation

    Best. Moustache. Ever.

    According to Katie, this is a photo of the exemplary moustache. I am inclined to agree! Movember* is coming! Consider me mo-mo-mo-mo-mo motivated!

    Visit my Mo Space:

    *Movember, aka Moustache November, aka No-Shave-Ember, aka The Month Formerly Known as November: Face grown and hand brushed, to raise awareness of men's health issues.

    Caribbean Peanut Punch Recipe

    You have got to try this!

    I attended a Labor Day block party in my diverse Groveton Woods neighborhood. Everyone brought something to eat or drink. Abednego introduced me to Peanut Punch, a delicious and nutritious treat from his native St Thomas.

    Hang with me, Peanut Punch tastes much better than it sounds!

    Peanut Punch is a delicious island treat so packed with protein that some refer to it as an energy drink. Searching for the recipe, I learned that there are many variations. Served ice cold, this tasty beverage is sure to delight palates of all ages.

    For adventurous adults, Peanut Punch is also the perfect base for an unforgettable island-themed cocktail. Rumor has it, Caribbean Peanut Punch is quite an aphrodisiac. (I imagine readers will devise their own method for confirming this rumor.)

    Both recipes are shown below, lightly edited from the version I found on "...ology," a mixology site.

    You have got to try this!

    Peanut Punch 
    Makes approximately 2 cups


    • 1/4 Cup Creamy Peanut Butter
    • 1 1/2 Cups Almond Milk
    • 2 Tablespoons Honey
    • Cinnamon
    • Nutmeg
    • Vanilla extract


    • Place first 3 ingredients into a blender and blend for 30 seconds.
    • Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and vanilla to taste.
    • Pour over ice and serve.

    Caribbean Peanut Punch Recipe
    Makes 2-3 cocktails


    • 3 Ounces of Peanut Punch
    • 1 Ounce White Rum
    • Chocolate Syrup


    • In an ice filled shaker, add the Peanut Punch and white rum.
    • Shake vigorously.
    • Add stripes of chocolate syrup to the inside walls of a martini glass.
    • Pour contents of shaker into glasses and serve.

    If you have had Peanut Punch before, please tell me about it in the comments! Share any recipe variations, too. I can imagine many variations of both recipes. I can imagine having lots of fun trying them all!

    1K in 1 Day to Benefit Not Alone

    The 1st Annual 1 K in 1 Day ride is BACK on and bigger and better than ever! Please check out our new beneficiary, Not Alone. All proceeds raised from registration fees and donations will go to help warriors battling PTSD in the National Capital Region.

    Movember's Global Action Plan

    No Images? Click HereForward to a friend
    Movember - Meeting of the Minds
    Movember's Global Action Plan (GAP) Explained
    By working with our global prostate cancer partners, we identified an opportunity to accelerate research outcomes by providing researchers from around the world the chance to work together on research projects. The result is GAP, our first directly funded program, and one we're incredibly proud of and know you will be too. Click here to check out the video to see how it works. 

    Survivorship Programs
    In case you missed our video showcasing the work Movember is doing around survivorship collaboration, check it out here
    We're Cleaning up the Shop
    The Movember website is currently being buffed, shined and polished and is nearly ready for 2012 registrations. Check back in late September, or we'll email you in early October to invite you to register.

    © 2012 Movember Foundation. All rights reserved.
    Programs we fund
    Prostate Cancer Foundation
    Awareness and Education
    Global Action Plan
    Contact Us
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