
Friday, June 15, 2012

$1K for 1K in 1 Day: Here's How to Help

Recently I mentioned that I am riding with a group on a 1,000 mile journey starting at noon on July 7th and ending. Lord willing and if the creek don't rise, by noon on the 8th. It's a fundraiser for Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization. Today I am posting the [lightly edited] note I just received from regarding donations to support our "1K in 1 Day" fundraiser.

Dear Dave,

          Thanks so much for ... your interest in supporting Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization

          [I] have a suggestion for how people could give and for us to be able to track that it was going towards the event. 

People can donate online at and then:

Type of Tribute:               In support of
Tributee Name:               1k in 1 Day

          Thanks again, we really appreciate all your support. If people would like more information about the organization, you can direct them to this page of our website which has information about our mission and other services

          Thanks again for your support!

Special Events Manager

Donations from all donors will be aggregated to "1K in 1 Day." Therefore, the little internal fundraising challenge deal I mentioned before is moot. We will, however, see and celebrate the grand total given to Y-Me on behalf of "1K for 1Day." So please consider supporting this great organization on behalf of those of us willing to put our butts on the line and ride over 1,000 miles in less than 24 hours for fun, adventure, Iron Butt Association credit, and for a very worthy cause: counseling services by breast cancer survivors for women who have just been diagnosed.

As my friend MFL likes to say, "Booty for Boobies!" I guess "booty" can be taken a couple different ways...

Here again is the 1,000 mile route. Wish us luck, and please support us by making a donation to Y-Me at "in support of" "1K in 1 Day."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the hat-tip, Dave. And you know you have a contribution coming from me for Booty for Boobies/Bodacious Ta-Tas/Breasts/Boobs, etc...
