
Thursday, December 1, 2011

NaBloPoMo 2011 Summary

With the arrival of December, another National Blog Posting Month (NaBloPoMo) is now behind us. I thought I would share a few comments about the "Glorious Madness" of blogging.

NaBloPoMo is a spin off of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) "30 days and nights of literary abandon." While I like to write and may well tackle a novel one day, I have plenty of writing for work and school to more than fill my billable hours. In my free time, I prefer blogging. I do enjoy sharing little snippets of a life I consider worth sharing. I truly enjoy the feedback I get on posts, and the community that develops around topics of mutual interest.

This year, the sponsors of NaBloPoMo moved their web site to a new address at BlogHer Despite its ominously feminist name, the site is open to men as well, and I was encouraged to transfer the membership I created last year. I did transfer membership. The idea of BlogHer seems to be creating a supportive space where new bloggers can encourage one another. That's great. BlogHer clearly bills itself as supporting women writers and feminist issues, which is also great. As a dude, I found that I did not really tap into that support as often as I did last year when the tone was not so overtly gender biased.

Perhaps I should have leaned in to the support available. The idea of NaBloPoMo is to publish every day for 30 days. I actually missed a few days, even though my overall production was good and my reasons from missing were, I think, excusable. At any rate, I managed to produce 36 blog posts in 30 days, including some from my phone while I was on the road. The 36 posts generated 1000 site visits and 20 comments.

Compare last year's results here:

For me, blogging has become an important venue for creative outreach and team building. I have many email accounts and social networking sites which I use for maintaining relationships. I have a journal which I use to record more introspective moments for future readers to ponder. The blog, this blog, is a comfortable place to hone my writing and reveal some of the things that fascinate me about being alive in this age. I am not sure anyone would watch a movie of my life or if that is even a real or meaningful goal. I do know that I am happy and willing to share what I have through this site.

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