
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Connect the Dots

I really enjoyed and highly recommend the article The Key To Creativity, According To Steve Jobs: Connecting the Dots which appeared in a recent edition of Edudemic

The author points to several instances in which Steve Jobs used the analogy of connecting the dots to explain his success. He was able to see seemingly different ideas and connect them in unique ways. He points out that this skill is the essence of creativity. If Ford had asked customers what they wanted, they'd have asked for a faster horse. Creative people are not limited by evolutionary improvements. Instead, like Jobs and Ford before him, they give people what they don't even know they want yet.

Another point that resonates with me is the combination of art and science in one person. Jobs not only understood the science of technology, but he also understood the importance of design and marketing. In this way, I would describe Jobs as an architect, that profession that most perfectly blends the science of materials and function with the art of form and perception.

Read it here: The Key To Creativity, According To Steve Jobs


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