
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This being a recap of my Veteran's Day Weekend activities.

Veteran's Day Weekend began Thursday with Tom's arrival from Raleigh. Tom is my Notre Dame Architecture and Army ROTC classmate and fellow veteran. Thursday night was all about tasting a variety of great beers, and getting caught up.

Add to this assortment a second Two-Hearted Ale
and you'll have a good idea of the damage done...

Friday Tom and I cruised to Arlington National Cemetery aboard CERUS, my trusty Harley-Davidson Road King. There, we heard the President speak after placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

Afterwards, we visited LTG Maude's grave as well as the Eternal Flame at JFK's resting place.

The next major event was a visit to the newly dedicated Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial.


We then moved around the Tidal Basin to the Mall for the Notre Dame pep rally. The band was there and put on a great show, accompanied by the cheerleaders, the Irish Guard, and of course the Fightin" Irish Leprechaun.

Feeling fully pepped-up and somewhat hungry, we headed for Clyde's of Georgetown. As if to confirm that this venue was pre-ordained, the one and only parking space available on the entire length of M Street was the one exactly in front to Clyde's. Dinner capped a Friday very well spent.

Saturday's activities included a fun dinner for 6 at Tunnacliff Tavern in the East Market and then the Notre Dame vs. Maryland football game at FedEx Field. Yes, the right team won!

Reflecting back on the weekend I am grateful for the service of so many veterans over the years whose sacrifices have won our freedom, preserved our union, stopped tyrants, contained Communism, and enabled democracy around the world while supporting and defending the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Tom and I listened to the Commander-in-Chief honor the service of warriors, we paid tribute to fallen heroes, we admired a civil rights leader who advocated non-violence, and finally we cheered for gridiron warriors.

It's a good life; life is good. I am aware that this freedom came at a terrible cost.

More information about the Veteran's Day activities in the Nation's Capital is here: Veterans Day 2011 Events in Washington, DC

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