
Friday, October 7, 2011

Win 10,000 Cash Money in Our New Contest!

We are approaching a HUGE milestone: 10,000 views at PhilosFX. And I want to celebrate!

Announcing a contest: Be the 10,000th viewer and WIN our prize--10,000 Cash Money! (That's 10,000 pennies, or US $100.)

Here's how to win the Grand Prize:

  • Navigate to PhilosFX (you are here--step one, complete!) 
  • View early and often: each view counts! 
  • Be the 10,000th viewer and take a screen shot of the counter as proof (see example below)
  • Leave a comment so I can send you an over-sized Party Check for 100 clams!

Print Screen, then save the screen shot as a picture.
Only ONE person will be able to capture the 10,000th view!

PhilosFX averages 20 views per day, with a low around 5 and a high around 300. So it will take somewhere between 2 and 100 days to get to 10,000 views. Odds are that if the average holds. it'll take right around 25 days to cross the 10K threshold. There's a chance this contest will bump the views up slightly, so keep that in mind.

But wait, there's MORE!

Announcing the consolation prize: Guess the day! In case no one wins the Big Prize, a secondary prize will be awarded. Be the first to correctly guess the day and win $10!

Here's how to win the Consolation Prize:

  • Guess the day on which PhilosFX crosses 10,000 views by posting your vote in a comment below, like this: 31 Oct, or October 31st, or 31/10/2011
  • Be one of at least 10 different people to guess the day--get your friends to comment, too.
  • Each contestant may guess up to 10 different days
  • The tie breaker: who guessed the correct day first per the time stamp on the comment 

Fine print:
  • Everyone is eligible, except me
  • The Big Prize will only be awarded if the actual 10,000th viewer captures the event!
  • The Consolation Prize will only be awarded if (a) no one wins the big prize; and (b) at least 10 different people guess at least one but not more than 10 days.
  • Each Guess the Day contestant must have a unique name. It can be a screen name that we sort out later, but "Anonymous" will not work. 


  1. Dear LB: Kudos for stepping up to the plate! If there were a prize for being first to throw a hat in the ring, you would win. There is no prize for that but I can give you something else: a hint. There is nothing stopping you from guessing more than one day.... Go ahead, guess up to 10 days.

  2. Attention, readers! As of Oct 18, at 11:15 pm Eastern, there are only 16 visits before we cross the 10,000 view threshold. We had over 100 visits in the past 24 hours, so this thing could tip any hour. Approaching this milestone is pretty exciting for a new blogger like me. People from 67 countries and 44 states have visited PhilosFX. I am so grateful to all for sharing some of your free time with me here!

    10K! 10K! 10K! 10K! 10K! 10K! 10K! 10K! 10K!

  3. Looks like you hit 10K today. Congratulations, Dave!

  4. LB: Our contest did not produce as many entries as I imagined it would. I never thought it would be so hard to give away 10,000 pennies! Anyway, you qualify for the consolation consolation prize: beer of your choice when next we meet!
