
Friday, October 28, 2011

Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Network

Courtesy of Organization for Tropical Studies, a member of the TEAM network -

Conservation International

Volcan Barva, Costa Rica. Panthera onca (Jaguar) - largest cat in the western hemisphere and a near threatened species.

This image is one of nearly 52,000 photos of 105 mammal species, taken as part of the first global camera trap mammal study done by the Tropical Ecology Assessment and Monitoring (TEAM) Network.

To learn more visit:

Hat tip: Mark

PERMITTED USE: This image may be downloaded at no charge for one-time use for the first “Global Camera Trap Mammal” study. No copying, distribution or archiving permitted. No sublicensing, sale or resale permitted.

REQUIRED CREDIT AND CAPTION: All image uses must be properly credited to Organization for Tropical Studies as part of the TEAM Network Partnership/ All images must be accompanied by a caption, which makes reference to the first “Global Camera Trap Mammal” study. Any uses in which the image appears without proper credit and caption referencing the “First Global Camera Trap Mammal Study” are subject to a separate written use agreement.

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