
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Petition to use Lean Six Sigma across Fed. Govt


Join with Congress to strategically drive performance improvement capabilities (e.g. Lean Six Sigma) across Fed. Gov't.

Add your signature to this petition to help make Federal Government more efficient. With 5000 signatures, we'll get an official response from the White House. 

  • Newt Gingrich is pushing for Lean Six Sigma and I think he is on to something. 
  • I personally know the authors of this petition, Max and David Allway. 
  • I have personally seen the lean Six Sigma method of process improvement produce dramatic results in Federal Government applications. 
  • I may not know much about politics, but I do know process improvement and I firmly believe this will help bring about much-needed change. 
  • Employ Lean Six Sigma experts in this "Target-Rich" environment (fat, wasteful) and everybody wins--more jobs, more awareness and accountability, and leaner, more effective government. 

Please go to the Lean Six Sigma PETITION, sign it, and help spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, email, blogs, etc.

1 comment:

  1. isocon, I appreciate your comment, and thanks for stopping by PhilosFX. I am a fan of using numbers to fuel the deliberate decision-making process. Six Sigma Certification is one of many ways to introduce the common language of numbers to strategic goal setting. I favor the combination of Lean and Six Sigma. Lean focuses on waste reduction, which speeds up processes. Six Sigma emphasizes error reduction, which improves quality. Better, faster, AND cheaper!
