
Friday, September 23, 2011

For Dakota Meyer, President Serves Homebrew

Photo from Obama Foodorama

The blog "Obama Foodorama" has recently posted a story about the special homebrew President Obama served Marine Dakota Meyer a day before the Medal of Honor presentation. How could you not love a story about the Medal of Honor, the White House, and Homebrew?

The ale, made by White House's first-ever homebrewing chefs using honey harvested in the first-ever White House beehive, is called White House Honey Blonde Ale. Chef Sam Kass first created a honey ale for the President's Super Bowl party. This summer, the blonde and a honey porter were created.

I would like to give that White House Honey Porter a try someday...

More information about Sergeant Meyer's heroism and the brew the President served him is available HERE.

Hit Tap: ADM IV

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