
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Human Systems Integration Symposium 2011

I'm thrilled to report that my abstract was selected and I will be speaking at this symposium. My paper is entitled:

Measuring Success with The MANPRINT Analysis System (MAS): Transparent Multi-Objective Decision Analysis in an Uncertain Environment


MANPRINT is the Army’s Human Systems Integration (HSI) program. HSI programs in all the services face similar challenges when it comes to documenting the value-added by HSI practitioners on defense acquisition programs. This presentation describes how the Army MANPRINT Directorate measures success in its HSI program. The MANPRINT Analysis Suite (MAS) is a system of purpose-built tools used for measuring and evaluating the program effort. This presentation explains the components of MAS: a Qualitative Value Model (QVM) based on MANPRINT’s Seven Tenets; a Knowledge Management System (KMS) maintained by practitioners; and a Dynamic System Model (DSM) to discover areas where resources could be best redeployed. The QVM is built using Value-Focused Thinking (VFT), a decision analysis technique used in many complex decision making situations to include Operation Iraqi Freedom. The QVM draws data from the KMS, a web-based database, to calculate a system score. The DSM uses Monte-Carlo Simulation (MCS), enabling stakeholders to determine how well processes are meeting the mark, test improvement initiatives, and manage portfolios of process improvement projects. The presentation describes the three purposes of MAS: (a) Communicate Strategic Intent to internal and external audiences; (b) Enable a Community of Practice to be more efficient and effective; and (c) Improve MANPRINT’s Overall Impact on the Army’s acquisition program for the benefit of our ultimate customer, the Soldier.

Acquisition Program Management, Analysis System, Assessment Framework, Continuous Process Improvement, Decision Analysis, Dynamic System Model, Human Factors Engineering, Human-Systems Integration, Knowledge Management System, Lean Six Sigma, MANPRINT, Measuring Success, Monte-Carlo Simulation, Qualitative Value Model, Value-Focused Thinking.

For more information: Human Systems Integration Symposium 2011


  1. I had the time of my life presenting this paper at HSIS 2011. Why can't every day rock this hard?
