
Friday, August 19, 2011

Hoka Hey SITREP #5

OK, I am obviously stuck inside behind a computer and not on the road with my knees in the breeze. Today's vicarious motorcycle thrill is catching Will "Man-Beast" Barclay #703 inside of 20 miles from the finish of a 10,000 mile race at 11:22.

Predicted order of finish: 703, 600, 685, 175, and for 5th place it's a toss-up between 55, 16, or 605
Keith, Amy, and Laura are doing fine, getting ready to bend it east along the Gulf before starting the final northward leg.

Go, Patriots, GO!!

I am riding with you in my imagination!


  1. At 2150, 703 and 600 are in. 175 and 685 are literally neck and neck with 200 miles to go. Then it's 16, 55, 605 in that order battling for 5th.

  2. As of 8:06 pm on the 20th, 16 came in 3rd, 175 was 4th, 55 is in position for 5th, 682, 50, 601, and 5 are racing for 6th, 685 and 604 are battling for 10th. Patriots 661 and 625 are in New York City, meaning they may have been sharing the road with America's 911 Foundation riders who today rode from the Pentagon to Manhattan. Keith (616) is in the panhandle of Florida.
