
Saturday, August 13, 2011

#Greenfieldism | Discover Magazine

Baroness Susan Greenfield
Sometimes, the fights that break out in social networking are deliciously rich. Susan Greenfield... a British scientistwriterbroadcaster, and member of the House of LordsGreenfield has expressed concerns that modern technology, and in particular social networking sites, may have a negative impact on child development. In this respect, she has been criticized by Ben Goldacre for claiming that technology has adverse effects on the human brain, without having undertaken any research or properly evaluating available evidence. Goldacre called on her to "[formally] write up her concerns about computers damaging children's brains," to which she replied that he is "like the people who denied that smoking caused cancer." --Wikipedia

Wow. What an appalling disregard for science, especially coming from a person who describes herself as a scientist! But that anecdote is merely background for the controversy that surrounds the Baroness today. While pushing her undocumented opinions about the adverse effects of technology on brain function, she made another completely unfounded comment linking social media to autism! Parents of autistic children and other concerned adults are now as offended by the Baroness as are true scientists. When challenged to explain her bizarre correlation, she said:   

"I point to the increase in autism and I point to Internet use. That is all" --Susan Greenfield
Enter Carl Zimmer, who writes for the blog, The Loom, published by Discover Magazine. He was so appalled by Baroness Greenfield's disregard for science that he Tweeted this response:

I point to the increase in esophageal cancer and I point to The Brady Bunch. That's all. #greenfieldism

In a few minutes, there was another tweet with the #greenfieldism hashtag attached.
 I point to Alzheimer's and I point to cheese doodles. That's all. #greenfieldism

Thus was born the #Greenfieldism meme. More is here: #Greenfieldism | The Loom | Discover Magazine

So now here are a couple of my favorite #Greenfieldisms:

Cheri Mastin Pace
I point to city pigeons, and I point to high crime rates. That's all. #greenfieldism

ipsilateral Joe Sharkey
I point to the increase in pointing and I point to the people pointing. That's all. #greenfieldism

JordanMHenri Jordan Henri
@carlzimmer I point to ADD and I point to... oh look a bird.... #greenfieldism

carlzimmer Carl Zimmer
I point to a Twitter stream and I point to a new meme. That's all. #greenfieldism

And now, here are some that I entered into the stream:

FoamFan Dave
I point to the rise of slavery, Fascism, Nazism, and Communism, and I point to the view that war is always evil. That is all. #Greenfieldism

FoamFan Dave
I point to myself as ruler of my home, and I point to the cats' litter box, which is unlikely to empty itself. That is all. #greenfieldism

FoamFan Dave
I point to 365 days of drinking low alcohol beer, and I point to a light year. That is all. #greenfieldism

FoamFan Dave
I point to a thousand mocking tweets, and I point to a disgraced and humbled scientist. That is all. #greenfieldism

If you are using Twitter, feel free to add your own. Of course, you are more than welcome to post them in the comments below!


  1. I point to fermentation experimentation. I point to finding nirvana-nation. That is all.

  2. I point to expanding waste. I point to expanding waistbands. That is all.

  3. Classic! Thanks for adding your wit to the conversation!

  4. via Twitter, Elliya (Amber Gohn) said:
    "@carlzimmer I point to the #EastCoastEarthquake and I point to the rise of Dubstep. That is all. #greenfieldism"

    Nice one!
