
Friday, August 12, 2011

Create and Use Twitter Lists

The point of Twitter is getting what you need when you need it. Twitter is a wonderful source for the information consumer. Many people are also pleased to serve as information producers. With 10 Million users, that's a lot of information changing hands. Even though the search functions are very fast, and even though most users are very good about hash-tagging (#) their Tweets, the best thing you can do for yourself is to organize your twitter feed into broad themes. Sorting the people you follow into groups will make it much easier to get what you want when you need it. These self-defined groups are called Twitter Lists.

A couple of important Twitter List features: other people can follow your list(s); and you don't have to follow a person to list them. A helpful guide is here: Twitter Lists 

Meanwhile for your perusal, here are the lists I have created on Twitter. I did not plan it this way, but the five lists cover the areas of inquiry that matter most to me: science, art, adventure, beer (potentially a combination of art, science, and adventure!), and humor (potentially the result of art, science, and adventure raised to the beerth power).

@FoamFan / useful
Data driven decision making, statistics, economics, applied science, and management.

@FoamFan / interesting 
The art of leadership, philosophy, and politics.

@FoamFan / adventure 
Where to go and how to get there: The fun of travel, sports, and entertainment.

@FoamFan / beerology 
All things beeriological for the Fan of Foam on a Quest for Brewed Nirvana.

@FoamFan / humorous-6 
Quick with a joke, or a light of your smoke when there's someplace that you'd rather be.

1 comment:

  1. Formulists gives you the ability to “organize, manage and expand your Twitter community through smart Twitter lists.” The more people you follow, the harder is it to keep track of people and what is being tweeted; creating focused lists presents small chunks of tweets to follow. Formulist presents your twitter goals: organize your network, expand your network, track followers, strengthen your social ties or customize existing lists. A great way for new tweeters to get the hang of lists. Again, @formulists staff are very active on Twitter and are happy to answer questions.
