
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Doane's Razor

We've probably all heard of Occam's Razor. (If not, a primer is HERE.) Bottom line: make your argument as simple as possible, but no simpler. If two competing explanations are both correct, chose the one that makes the fewest assumptions or takes the fewest steps. Occam's Razor is sometimes called the Law of Parsimony.

There is something to be said for being concise.

I often employ another "razor" in my thinking. I employ it so often, in fact, that I feel my razor should have a name and maybe even its own wiki page. Let me run it by you and let's see what you think. Here it goes:

Would the world be a better place if everyone (insert a description of the behavior in question)?

When considering a law or policy decision, think about the behavior you are trying to influence. Would the world be a better place if everyone observed Meatless Monday? If everyone allowed one car length of following distance per every 10 mph of speed? Abstained from smoking? Prayed?

If not, maybe the law or policy is not really that important. If so, you probably just wrote one of the 10 Commandments.

The idea of Doane's Razor is to promote the greater good, not to turn everyone into carbon copies of each other. If everyone recycled, the world would indeed be a better place. So promote recycling. If everyone drove more safely, observed common courtesy, and learned a second language, the world would indeed be a better place.

But if everyone were patient, if everyone remained calm, would anything ever get done?

Think about it.

Doane's Razor: good idea? If not, why not?


  1. This truly is one of my favorite PhilosFX posts! Wow Dave! Great thinking here!

    You ask your readers to "step up" and "policy-ize" what influential ripple they personally believe could create a powerful wave of change and, in turn, a much better world for us all.

    I could see this thought/proposal as the foundation of a book idea. I hope you consider it.

    1. Powerful tools are dangerous if misused. Think electricity, or fire. There are flaws with Doane's Razor if it's misapplied. Which is better, individual responsibility, or strong central government? Doane's Razor is not suited for sweeping generalizations, especially when there are merits to both seemingly opposing outcomes. However, Doane's Razor would be useful in determining the precise balance point between the extremes. I imagine aggregating the balance point of individuals into a collective, and using that insight for policy decisions that will do the most good for the most people. Another benefit of insights obtained using Doane's Razor in this manner is that everything about the process, to include the scale, is transparent to the stakeholders.

  2. Applying the Doane's Razor individually, personally and hopefully is different than a mass conformation to what we deem right, true and universally corrective. I believe your idea, in the most purest and truest form brings hope, change and a "right" that we are all yearning for in this "thing" we call "life".

    I still believe that summoning people to come to terms with and suggest what they sincerely and genuinely believe will correct the many facets that need correction in the world will in itself bring change, hope and a better tomorrow.

    Thoughts become things.

    You are planting the metacognitive seed for improvement and anticipation for the very best for all of us! Bravo Colonel!
