
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brilliant Mistakes

The New Yorker's Nick Paumgarten has written an insightful and engaging profile of Our Favorite Artist called, "Brilliant Mistakes: Elvis Costello's Boundless Career."

New Yorker Paumgarten Brilliant Mistakes

Favorite snippets:

"Costello is several Elvises removed from that persona the Village Voice in 1979 christened the Avenging Dork, a confection of Buddy Holly and Johnny Rotten."

"To a certain crowd of people who were in school in 1977 and are now about fifty, Costello's stature is almost Dylan-esque." (Almost?)

"Costello's mind works a bit like one of those impossibly complicated Pentagon PowerPoint presentations."  (Actually, that explains a lot!)

"He's a professional omnivore, a master, for better or worse, of eclecticism."

Tip o' the hat to Tom for sending me this article in the mail.


  1. I love his music. So glad you got to go!

  2. "He's a professional omnivore, a master, for better or worse, of eclecticism." High praise, indeed! I would be proud of that epitaph.
