
Monday, September 6, 2010

A Response to the Viral Question of the Day


The text you see in large red font below came to me via email. I am posting this annotated response to detail all of the many ways this message is factually incorrect, logically flawed, and generally unhelpful. It worries me that despite these flaws, this email seems to be getting good circulation. One can find many versions of it floating around, posted on various blogs and websites. Similar versions are titled, “Can Muslims Be Good Americans?” Be prepared: some version of this will likely hit your inbox soon, if it hasn’t already.

Why do people read, believe, and forward garbage such as this? Why do thinking people see it and let it slide? In my mind, there is no greater threat to the prospects of my children growing old than the rantings of bigoted, red-necked, white Protestant morons.  I worry for an America where citizenship is defined by the likes of this author and the many people who agree—or do not strongly disagree—with this screed.

This is very interesting[2] and we all need to read it from start to finish and send it on to everyone[3]. Maybe this is why our American Muslims are so quiet and not speaking out about any atrocities[4]. Can a good Muslim be a good American?

This question was forwarded to a friend[5] who worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years[6].  The following is his reply:

Theologically - no. . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon god of Arabia[7].

Religiously - no. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His[8] Allah except Islam[9] (Quran, 2:256).

Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Qur’an.[10]

Geographically - no… Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.[11]

Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.[12]

Politically - no. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically - no… Because he is instructed to marry four Women[13] and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him[14] (Qur’an 4:34).

Intellectually - no. . . Because he cannot accept the American
Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles[15] and he believes the bible[16] to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. . . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Qur’an does not allow freedom of religion and expression.[17] Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist.[18] Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.[19]

Spiritually - no.. . . Because when we declare “one nation under God,” the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father[20], nor is he ever called love in the Qur’an's 99 excellent names.[21]

Therefore, after much study and deliberation[22].... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country[23].  They obviously[24] cannot be both “good” Muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish it's still the truth[25]. You had better believe it[26]. The more who understand this, the better it will be for our country and our future.

The religious war is bigger than we know or understand.[27]

Footnote: The Muslims[28] have said they will destroy us from within.  SO FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.[29]


[1] Nothing about being Muslim makes one inherently unfit for citizenship in America (or France or England). The same question could be posed of Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Wiccans, Catholics, Mormons, or bigoted, red-necked, white Protestant morons.
[2] Interesting? Hardly even worth my time, except letting it slide is like watching someone pour oil down the storm drain.  Such poisoning of the well has got to be stopped! I am mistrustful of authors who feel compelled to write in large, red text. I am skeptical of the ALL CAPS ploy: shouting does not confer truth. I also find poor spelling a punctuation to be serious distractions and indicators of weak logic and indiscipline. I have corrected most of the spelling and punctuation errors in this just to make it readable.
[3] Send to everyone? Any thinking person who sees this will want to expose it as an ignorant fraud. A scholar states the truth. Why is this author telling me what to do and how to do it? Who listens and obeys?
[4] This claim is pure speculation, and what is it based on? Maybe Muslims choose to be quiet because too many ignorant, red necked white Protestant morons carry shotguns? Anyway, who said they are quiet?
[5] A friend of whom? Why hide behind anonymity?
[6] What is the author’s qualification? Some people could live in Saudi Arabia for 20 years and learn absolutely nothing.
[7] The moon god of Arabia? That is patently offensive! Allah is God to some 1.5B people around the world, certainly not only those who live in Saudi Arabia. Muslims do not worship the moon! They worship the God of Abraham, whom they call Allah instead of Yaweh.
[8] Curious as to the punctuation here. Why is “His” capitalized?
[9] What does religious preference have to do with citizenship? In America, nothing!
[10] What does scripture have to do with citizenship? Is there a scripture question in the naturalization exam? Which scripture? The answer to Scripturally should be yes, because the Five Pillars of Islam are spelled out in the Muslim scripture; in other words, there is a scripture, but it’s irrelevant.
[11] How does this work? Muslims cannot be citizens of Africa or Indonesia or America because they face Mecca when they pray? Muslims can only be citizens of Mecca then? Even in Mecca, Muslims bow toward the ka’aba—and so they all bow in different directions! Again, this factor is irrelevant.  
[12] I call myself a Christian and I have many Muslim friends. The statement is patently false.
[13] False. Polygamy is allowed, but it is very uncommon and it is certainly not a requirement. Incidentally, why is “Women” capitalized?
[14] True, but taken out of context. By the way, the Bible says the same thing. Check out Deut 25:11, 12. By the author’s own logic, believers of the Old Testament are not fit for American citizenship, either.
[15] Show me where the Constitution is based on Biblical principles? A Muslim may certainly disagree with the Bible and still agree with and support the Constitution. To say otherwise reveals scant knowledge of Islam, the Bible, or the Constitution.
[16] Why is Bible not capitalized?
[17] We grant freedom of religion to citizens. Therefore, Muslims are free to worship as they wish. Therefore the claim is false.
[18] Shockingly ignorant. Turkey.
[19] False. Malaysia, Pakistan or Algeria.
[20] First, is that true? What does one want in a Heavenly Father? Number 12, The Maker of Order; 45, The All-Comprehending; 69, The All Powerful. Second, even if true, so what?
[21] Number 1, The All-Compassionate; 47, The Loving One
[22] By whom? I see 10 dimensions mentioned (Theologically, Religiously, etc.) but no study, no deliberation, and no attribution.
[23] For what reason? Some people would be fearful and suspicious of their own shadow.
[24] Obviously? What about any of this is obvious, except for the fear-mongering and weak logic?
[25] Such crystalline logic! It’s true because I said so, and if you don’t believe me you are just plain wrong. Such is the hallmark of the closed mind. I doubt that reason would sway this author.
[26] Or what?
[27] This is either a fairly meaningless statement, or the understatement of the century. Any war is bigger than non-combatants understand. 
[28] The Muslims said this? Which Muslims? Certainly some, but not all.
[29] Certainly true but it does not follow from the preceding sentence.
[30] Says who? I doubt any soldier or Marine with 5 years of service has not met a Muslim. I do not know any soldiers or Marines who would repeat this screed. To claim so (in all caps, no less) is a disgrace. That said, there are many people in the military, including some bigoted, red-necked white Protestant morons.  The point would be that even if a few soldiers or Marines feel this way, they do not speak for all soldiers and Marines any more than Islamic terrorists speak for all Muslims.

Final notes and philosophical musings:

1. I am aware that Muslims have had difficulty integrating into French and English society. I do not have blinders on, and there are issues to be dealt with. I would rather see discussions of those issues, and plans to deal with them pragmatically.

2. There are snakes in the world. Some snakes are poisonous. I don’t want to go out of my way to live with snakes, but I am not so afraid of the poisonous ones that I want to destroy all snakes, even the non-poisonous ones, and the snakes that pose no threat to me or my family.  If a poisonous snake comes near me or my family, I have a hoe, and I know how to use it.

3. A source for The Most Beautiful Names, complete with captivatingly beautiful calligraphy and citations from the Qur’an, is Warning! If looking at an Islamic website is enough to shake your Christian faith, don’t blame Islam or Muslims.

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