
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rachel Maddow Slams GOP, Obama Administration Over Don't Ask, Don't Tell (VIDEO)

Maddox does a good job of shredding both the GOP's stated reasons for filibustering the Defense Authorization Bill and the administration's lack of leadership on this issue. 

That said, I differ on two points:

  1. I do not agree with Maddox that the point of DADT is "keeping gay people out." Rather, it is designed to prevent gay people from expressing their sexual orientation. (This is also problematic.) 
  2. Maddox cites public opinion polls but unfortunately does not mention polls taken from within the military which have different results. The difference in the results is not irrelevant to the issue! Many military leaders are concerned about the impact on readiness of changing policy in the midst of two wars. 

Maddox does not mention in this 12-minute spot the single most powerful comment I have heard on the issue. Adm Mike Mullen, CJCS, has courageously asserted DADT should be repealed because it forces gay service members to lie about who they are. It's not about Republicans and Democrats, or left vs right, or even gay or straight. It's about integrity.


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