
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Is there ever a time to just give up?

I have been struggling with my progress on some personal goals. I suppose most people who set goals have some second thoughts when the going gets a little rough. Searching for an answer, I found these helpful words:

"Sometimes it is wise to quit, particularly when you are doing something wrong or you realize that your actions are futile or are hurting someone. But when God has called us to a task and we give up, we not only miss the great blessings of reaching our goal, but we might also incur discipline for not trusting God to help us get there. Just because God is in something doesn't make it easy. In fact, the harder the road, the stronger we become. If you know God is leading you, and opening doors in certain directions, don't give up just because the going gets tough. If anything, that should tell you that you are headed in the right direction. Keep moving forward boldly and with faith."

I took that as a sign. Back to work!

Beers, R. A., and Beers, V. G. (2005). The one year mini for men: Daily inspiration from God's word anytime, anywhere. (See the entry for August 11.) Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.


  1. First, I believe it is important to listen for signs. End of story. Second, recently my company required all employees to participate in goal training for our upcoming goal setting task. Maybe what I learned will help you out as well. So here goes…There are two types of worthy goals: Smart and Hard. Each type of goal requires you to picture the achievement, leave your comfort zone, enrich the lives of others, and must be considered necessary.

    Hard goals are:
    H- Heartfelt – impact more than yourself
    A- Animated – vivid picture
    R – Required
    D – Difficult

    Smart Goals are:
    S – Specific (What, Why, and How)
    M- Measurable |
    A – Achievable
    R – Realistic
    T- Time Bound

    My suggestion is to align your goals as such. Good Luck PhilosFX, there isn’t anything one can’t do once they set your mind to it!!!

  2. I think, too, that there is a difference between "quitting" and taking a break from/stepping back at least for a time from one's goals. Sometimes those goals need reshaping; sometimes we didn't get them 'quite right' the first time around; perhaps some need re-prioritizing... Sometimes our vision needs clarifying or adapting! Being flexible (at least to some extent) can be very valuable.

    If we seek signs, and don't miss miracles (no matter in what shape or size they come to us) - and act both responsibly and responsively, we may find the goal even more worthwhile, worthy, and wondrous.

    "qoftravel", I liked your post so much! I printed it off for future reference!
