
Friday, September 24, 2010

How Often Do You Go to the Movies?

I love movies and always have. I love the art form, and the way a good story well-told can provide a transformative experience. I particularly enjoy movies shown in smaller art-house theaters. I saw Cinema Paradiso in a small theater years ago--one of the best movies ever and one of my favorite movie-going experiences. I will never forget climbing over the seat to sit next to a pretty girl in Star Wars, 1977. I'd like to watch all of the Gold Palm and Oscar movies, not because I need someone to tell me what's good but because I like lists and goals. But no, I do not often go to the Big 24-Screen Omni-plex Theaters. I don't care for the cost or the scene (people scarfing $8 tubs of butter-drenched popcorn and slurping 24-oz cokes while talking at the screen). Exceptions: I saw Avatar in 3-D. I watched Beer Wars, the simulcast event. I took my youngest to Up!, just before she realized that she is now too cool to be seen with Dad in the theater anymore. These days I prefer Jason Bourne or The Big Lebowski or anything by Cohen Bros or Robert Altman, a bottle of Mikkeller It's Alive!, my couch, my ridiculously huge TV, and if I am very lucky, a friend or three.

Also, reading is good--the movie is in my mind.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you, except that I don't see whats wrong with eating 'butter-like' grease drenched popcorn and slurping down massive cokes. It's disgustingly delicious. like you, I only go to the theaters for specific types(i won't use the word genre) of movies . I loved the Bourne movies, but watched them all at home, but Avatar benefitted from the mega screen theater.
