
Friday, August 27, 2010

More on Fences

Follow me for a second:

1. Helen Keller said, "The aim of education is tolerance."
2. Thomas Gray declared, "Ignorance is bliss."
3. Robert Frost wrote, "Good fences make good neighbors."

The more I read and talk to people about Islam* the more tolerant of that religion I become. I am more worried about ignorant people than I am about intelligent people who believe differently from me. Ignorant people are often fearful when circumstances shake them from their bliss, and fearful people can get violent. The only thing in this world more dangerous than a desperately pissed off moron is a rich bastard and a whole bunch desperately pissed off morons.

The aim of education is not tolerance to the point that you put yourself and your family at risk. I have kids and I want them to enjoy life. My whole mission in life is to push Armageddon off to the right for another generation to give my kids a shot at enjoying at least as much happiness I have known. The wall I want is not to block Muslims (or Mexicans), but to isolate terrorists. Isolate them until their desperation dissipates, preferably by, but not limited to, education and better opportunity.

On a side note, let's not evaluate religions by their ancient scriptures. As a Christian, I get a little squeamish when I reread some of the stuff God told his chosen peeps to do to the Amalekites. More specifically, to the women and children of the Amalekites. So yeah, the Koran has some stern guidance concerning infidels like me, but there was a lot of that sword play going around back in the day.

I think if we look at the history of people who invoked religion to do violence, we'll see plenty of whacked out stuff in all three Abrahamic religions. But that was then. What do you call someone who invokes religion to do violence today? Ask Jim Jones, or David Koresh. Better yet, ask Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. One day, he's calmly sawing off Nick Berg's head because he happens to be Jewish and American, and the next day, ol' al-Zarqawi's desperation dissipates in a pinkish vapor, courtesy of a few of Nick's friends.

We are under attack from Muslim terrorists. If you hate Muslims, you are focusing on the wrong word. I know lots of Muslims. Abu Musab al-Zarqawi was no Muslim.

The title of this post could be read as, "Moron Fences."

*To explain the state of my education in Islamic studies I'll repeat comments from an earlier post. "I lived in Turkey for a year, and made friends with many Muslims. I read the Koran, observed Ramadan, and even purchased a prayer rug--though I have never used it for its intended purpose. I deployed to Kosovo to protect Muslims. I was in the Pentagon on 9/11 when terrorists attacked. When I deployed to Iraq, I was pretty clear on the difference between Muslims and terrorists."

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