
Saturday, January 29, 2022

Map of Emotional Manifestations in the Body


Across cultures, people feel increased activity in different parts of the body as their mental state changes. 

"A new study by Finnish researchers published today [Dec 30, 2013] in the Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, suggests that our emotions do indeed tend to influence our bodies in consistent ways."

"It's worth noting that the bodily sensations weren't blood flow, heat, or anything else that could be measured objectively—they were based solely on physical twinges subjects said they experienced."

Excerpts are from an article by Olga Khazan which was published in The Atlantic on December 30, 2013 and accessed January 29, 2021 from 

I spotted the colorful graphic in the Facebook Story of a friend and fellow veteran who shares my interest in a range of health issues. Searching for the original source, I saw that it had already been re-shared multiple times--and rightly so. Hat Tip to Keith Toy, aka Buzz Lightyear.