
Wednesday, May 2, 2018

A Parable About Space and Time

This parable is inspired by a prophecy told by the Lummi people, the original inhabitants of Washington's northernmost coast and southern British Columbia. For thousands of years, they have worked, struggled and celebrated life on the shores and waters of the Puget Sound.

A parable about space and time
by Kyle Dome Doane

Before the storyteller, there was nothing to see.

The Universe was perfect
and everything was perfectly clear

There were no thoughts...
  • No words
  • No time
  • No stars
  • No planet
  • No mountains
  • No trees
  • No animals
  • No people
  • No human beings
Like a perfect mirror, anyone who looked into the universe would only see their own reflection. Most human beings were afraid to look for longer than a blink. But, the Storyteller wanted to understand the Universe. The Storyteller stared unblinkingly into the reflection.

After a time, The Storyteller saw deeper than just personal reflection. Was the Storyteller in the Universe? Was the Universe in the Storyteller? The Storyteller began to see the structure and form and void of the Universe.

But, thoughts began to form, then words. A question began to materialize within the Storyteller. When the Storyteller spoke The Question, the universe shook and shattered into countless fragments.

The Storyteller gathered many scattered words and ideas and tried to fit them back together, but pieces were missing and the new story was incomplete, rough and sometimes painful to hold.

The Looker took the story from the Teller and turned the story over and over to examine from different points of view. It wasn't easy. The sharp edges sometimes cut. The Looker could see current universe story, but could only see glimpses of the Way the Universe had once been.

The Hearer accepted the story without question and without examination. The Hearer copied the story and passed it to other Hearers who, in their turn passed the story to their lineage of Hearers. Sometimes Hearers would accidentally break off parts or accidentally add their own. This was seldom purposeful creation. Each lineage was certain their Story was the Truth of the Universe.

The versions of the story began to differ. Each time the story got handed down, it became smoother. More polished. Easier to hold.

Some stories became so polished, so perfectly clear that they simply reflected the image of anyone who looked into it.

And that is all.

My Brother's Stellar Show: Cosmic Perspectives

I am heading to Santa Fe to attend and participate in this production, and I cannot wait! Join us! Or support the effort with a donation. Proceeds from this show will support the renovations at the Santa Fe Community College Planetarium.

Saturday, May 12 at 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM MDT
Paradiso Santa Fe
903 Early Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505

Bring your dreams and hang them on the stars...

Every culture has looked OUT to get a better view of what is INSIDE themselves. Cosmic Perspectives utilizes astronomy, dream interpretation, improvisational theater and imaginative play to weave a new cosmic story based on the characters from your dreams. Together we create a new perspective that may deepen your relationship with the cosmos.

This is a Storytelling and interactive event that will take place inside a 12-foot domed planetarium that will be put up inside Paradiso!

Bring: a dream journal, a small palm-sized gift, and a sense of exploration.

Tickets: Sliding Scale, $10-$30

About the Facilitator: Kyle is a storyteller, a student of the universe and sometimes silly. After years as a commercial crab fisherman, Kyle's son helped him discover a passion for teaching about the amazing world on which we live. Kyle works for Digitalis Education Solutions and helps set up planetaria around the world.

A Prophecy of the Lummi Nation

This post is a prophesy passed down by the Lhaq'temish, the People of the Sea. The people of the Lummi Nation are the original inhabitants of Washington's northernmost coast and southern British Columbia. For thousands of years, they have worked, struggled and celebrated life on the shores and waters of the Puget Sound.

A loooong time ago, the mountains thought they were the people.

A loong time ago, the trees thought they were the people.

A long time ago, the animals thought they were the people.

Someday they will say, "A loooooooong time ago, the human beings thought they were the people."

And that is all.

I love the idea that mountains, trees, animals, and humans are responding to a universal life force, on a quest for fulfillment, all striving to become ... 

See also:

Comments welcome!

H/T: Kyle